Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

It feels like fall! Given that it is 45 degrees outside, I need to light the pilot for our gas fireplace. Last night I cooked steaks over a wood fire while I scrubbed the wading pool and began the process of putting it away. This morning I made a mess with the coffee pot as I did not realize the basket filter was not in it, and the grounds went everywhere as it brewed. I was disgusted with myself and wide awake by the time I had it cleaned up.

I Corinthians 3 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, especially my life verse 12 – building ones life with gold, silver, precious stones, or wood, hay, straw. Today I am preaching on it in the context of Identity Crisis – community forms us. What are the elements that will pass through the fire of judgment to the other side of eternity? What is in eternity? God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God’s word, the souls of humans. There is no evil present, there is no sin in heaven, there is peace, and all tears are wiped away.

This afternoon autumn officially begins, and I will be in a golf cart at Hidden Valley along with 50 others from Wesley in the church golf tournament organized by Betty Prouty. This year all proceeds beyond the cost go to missions, rather than door prizes. It is a great event, and I am looking forward to it on what seems to be a beautiful afternoon. I do not expect that golf is in heaven, but the joy of human fellowship, in the light of God’s love will surpass any earthly experience!

My cell phone has taken a full charge three nights in a row. I think I have figured out how to plug the charger in at an angle and get it to work. Hopefully this will continue to be effective until my Verizon contract funds most of a new phone (April 2014). The possibility of losing everything on my cell phone has been staring me in the face for weeks, and I continue to be amazed at the technology on this small device. I value it even more, given how tentative it has become.

Guide me today, most Holy Lord as I serve You in the context of Your body called Wesley United Methodist Church.

[Note - This is my first post in two months - As I left on vacation on a motorcycle I lost the rhythm of blogging, and then I lost the digital connection to this blog. I am back in sync and ready to continue the regular practice of blogging from my daily reflections.]

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