Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

3-31-10 Wednesday, 5:33 am Grayrock, 58 degrees, windy.

This is one of those rare mornings in which I arise at 4:30 feeling pretty rested and ready for the day. I will work on my Easter message today, along with a meeting to discuss ordination – deacon, elder, local pastor with an individual.

Deut 16 – 17:20

Verses 18-19 Prescription is to appoint judges and officers in all your towns… you shall not distort justice; you shall not be partial, and you shall not take a bribe…
These prescriptions have been implemented in the United States with its Judeo-Christian background. As emerging nations attempt to move forward, corruption seems to be a major obstacle – in Mexico, in Iraq,Afghanistan, and around the world. An interesting study would be to evaluate the level of corruption in any given government, and explore it causes, especially as it relates to Judeo-Christian commitments.

17:18-20 Instructions for the future Israeli King to copy for himself of this law on a scroll “and it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes.” This is great advice for every follower of God – to have a personal copy of God’s word, and to read it every day, learning to fear the Lord. I wonder the impact of hand-copying the law, if this creates a greater ownership and personal investment in the Word.

Guide me today Lord as I study your word, apply it to my life, and prepare to present it to the Easter congregation. Thank you for this last day of March, and the progress of time toward eternity. Direct my steps as I seek to live a “no regrets” life today, and each day.

My reading this morning beyond scripture will be from “The Celtic Way of Evangelism” by George Hunter. In chapter one he describes Patrick’s 28-year mission to Ireland. In chapter 2 he points out the “middle level issues of life” which are often ignored by traditional Christianity. Clearly he values Patrick’s outward focus, his understanding of Irish culture, and his emphasis upon community and leadership development. I am looking forward to integrating his insights into my work and ministry as pastor of Wesley in Springfield.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

3-29-10 Monday, 7:17 am Grayrock 31 degrees.

Suicide bombers in Moscow, Sara Palin in Arizona, President Obama in Afghanistan; world events continue to unfold and God’s activity is not visible to most. I desire to see God at work every day, experiencing his grace and goodness. I continue in Deuteronomy and the gospel of Luke.

Deut 11 – 12

11:22b “Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.”
I am holding tightly to the Lord my God. I have held to him my whole adult life. I need to daily renew my grip, adjust my course to walk in his ways, and thus show my love to him. What does that mean for today? This is my Sabbath rest, my day of not working. I work a lot. I will have me eyes examined this morning, fertilize my lawn, and maybe go flying this afternoon or evening. Guide me Lord as I walk in your ways and hold tightly to you today.

What does the Lord require of thee – to do justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with your God (Malachi). Yes Lord.

Luke 8:22-39
Jesus calms the storm on the lake, and casts the demon out of the man on the other side. Guide me Lord as I journey with you today, living by faith, attuned to the spiritual dynamics in every situation.

Prov 12:4 “A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones.” Thank you Lord for Audrey, such a virtuous and Christ-centered wife.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010

3-28-10 Palm Sunday, 5:58 am, Grayrock.

I am looking forward to this morning’s worship services, including the Easter Musical at 8:15 and 11:00. Palm Sunday is one of my favorite days on the calendar, as there is no secular contaminating of this commemoration. I still have work to do on my five minute devotional in the middle of the cantata, and on my full-length sermon for the other two services.

Our front door blew open through the night, and was standing wide open as I got up. I am thankful that no harm was done, apparently no skunks wandered in (or worse). Thankfully God is watching over his children, and He never sleeps.

9:53 pm

Luke 19:29-46 Jesus enters Jerusalem, riding on the colt of a donkey. This was my text today for my two sermons (9:30 and 10:30). During the Cantata I had a five minute devotional, in which I used the garden, the cross and the tomb as symbols for prayer, surrender, and resurrection, applied to our daily lives. The morning went well, and those attending seemed to benefit from the services.

At noon I spoke to the 300 or so children and parents gathered in the gym for the easter egg hunt. I described the empty eggs as representing the empty tomb, and the practice of looking for Jesus everywhere. Due to the weather, the hunt had to be indoors.

This afternoon I rested, than ran 4 miles. Now I will post this journal entry for the day, then read some more from E. Stanly Jones A Song of Ascents. Thank you Lord for this day, for your word, and for your servants.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

3-26-10 Friday, 7:40 am Greenbough (St. Louis) Clear, 30 degrees.

Yesterday I had a good visit with the Pearces at Children’s hospital, with the Casillas at their home in O’Fallon, and with David at the Texas Roadhouse. Today I host the reinspection of this house by the county, and meet with Janet, the realtor. I will be fasting this morning as I work on Sunday’s message.

Deut 5 – 6

These chapters contain two of the most significant parts of the OT – the ten commandments, and the Shema followed by its instructions.
6:4 “Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them… talk about them …tie them ….write them …. God’s word is critical to a life of faith, with a heart to obey it.

The Ten Commandments are clear. Keeping the Sabbath is the most challenging. Jesus taught that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God rested on the seventh day, and so must all who follow. Guide me Lord as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010 Grayrock, 51 degrees, cloudy, foggy, birds singing, dark at 6:38 am

Deut. 4:1-49

Moses reminds the people to remember the mighty acts of God that they have seen, and to obey God’s law carefully, especially not making any images of Him to worship. Verse 29 concludes that if you disobey, he will scatter, and when you call upon him again he will answer “And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.” Throughout history, God has revealed himself, and when people have sought him, they have found him. In this generation, those who are lost can be found. 3:16 are indeed the words of hope, which I will preach on Easter.

Yesterday I prayed with two pastors, finalized the bulletin, met with a 10-year-old boy who shared about his vision God has given him. I talked to Linda Hurst Locke (Audrey’s close friend and roommate after college) in Tennesse whose mother was released from the hospital yesterday, and I talked to Greg Snooks in Atlanta (my close friend in high school, college and beyond) about accountability as I prepared for the 9:00 pm Bible study with the Delta Tau Christian fraternity at MSU. Seven men attended, and we had a great conversation about accountability and how vital relationships are so important to men.

Today I drive to St. Louis and visit the Pearce family at Barnes Children’s hospital. Infant Audrey will have surgery today, and her condition is most critical. I spoke to her grandparents yesterday, and shortly I will read her journal at

I am thine o Lord, I have heard your voice and it calls me to obey and serve you with Joy unspeakable and full of glory. Empower me today to live with passion, to love completely, to learn humbly. You are God, I am your servant, lead me Lord, lead me in your righteousness today, March 25, 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010

3-24-10 Wednesday, 6:56 am, 51 degrees, cloudy.

I stepped out on the porch to watch the birds stirring in the early morning twilight. I saw mainly robins. I am curious about my birdhouse, having seen a bluebird on top of it a few days ago, but sparrows active in the area the last couple of days. Who is building a nest?

Last night I had several strange dreams, mini dreams really. My friend Greg Snooks was involved, as was transplanting trees, my mother’s illness, and new cars. There was no real memorable storyline. I think it was the malaria medicine, my last pill taken on Monday.

Yesterday President Obama signed into law the healthcare bill, which will require 30 million uninsured Americans to buy insurance, and will provide tax dollars to subsidize it. This is a huge issue, and very contentious. Obama has invested much leadership capital to get this passed, and has promised to sign an executive order declaring that no federal funds related to this bill will be used for abortion.

Deut. 2:1-3:29
2:1-9 The Lord tells Moses to respect the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir. He also instructs them not to bother the Moabites, the descendants of Lot. I have not remembered these instructions which honored non-Israelites. The rest of this chapter describes conflict in the middle east prior to the arrival of Israel, which was 3000 years ago. Will there ever be an end to such conflict?
It was so interesting to spend some time last week with Dan Sered, a native of Israel. We discussed the the government, the history, the conflict of that region. It caused me to desire to travel there in the next couple of years.

Psalm 67
Verse 2 “May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere.”

Yes God, may this happen using your people called Wesley United Methodist church in Springfield.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

3-23-10 Tuesday, 6:08 am Grayrock, 32 degrees, clear.

Numbers 36 – Deut. 1:46
Moses recounts the 40 year history of the wilderness, especially the people’s stubbornness and failure to trust God for the conquest of the promised land. God told Moses that his assistant Joshua would lead the people in (did Moses have 40 years to prepare Joshua?) and that Moses would die in the wilderness. As I put myself in the camp of the Israelites, I wonder how I would feel, and what I would think of the unfolding plan of God, the leadership challenges, the living conditions, the hopes and fears for the future. I do live in the “camp” of God’s people, as God’s plan unfolds in this generation. Guide me as I daily live by faith, lead by example, and seek your face, most Holy Lord.

Luke 5:29-6:11

5:37 New wine in new wineskins. Howard Snyder used this imagery for a book he wrote in the 70s. I should get a copy and see what his thesis was. He now teaches at Asbury seminary. The book was addressed to the church, and used at West County A. G. by John Wilson. What are the “new wineskins” of this generation?

Earlier in this chapter Jesus is hosted by Matthew, the tax collector along with his tax-collecting friends. The religious leaders scoff at Jesus eating with “those people”. It is so easy for religious people to scoff at the genuine efforts to reach the least and the lost.

As I was running yesterday I considered using the term “Wesley Simple Groups”, and designing a simple format of worship, care, serve. Perhaps “simple groups” could be more precisely defined than “small groups”. Hmmm, it’s a thought to ponder.

Luke 6:1-11 Jesus and the Sabbath – His disciples pick some grain, and a man with a “deformed right hand” was made whole on the Sabbath. His religious critics were “wild with rage and and began to discuss what to do with him.” It is so easy for “religious people” to get so bent out of shape and lose the centrality of the Kingdom of God. May I always be open to the New Wineskins and aware of what God is currently doing to build the kingdom. Religious people seem to lack joy and gratitude. Guard me from the way of religious leaders who miss the awe and wonder of your Kingdom, Holy Lord.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

3-22-10 Monday, 8:10 am Grayrock – 36 degrees, sunny

Luke 5:12-28

Jesus heals a man with advanced stages of leprosy, and great crowds gather to hear him preach and to be healed. “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer” (verse 16).

Some men bring a paralyzed man on a cot to Jesus, and lower him through the tiles on the roof. Jesus announced to the young man that his sins were forgiven, which angered the religious leaders. Next Jesus healed him, and everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe.

Yesterday during my sermon I read from Jesus’ letter to the church at Ephesus in which he noticed they had lost their first love, and He instructed them to return to the works that they did at first. Even though we had slim attendance, I sense that this admonition was important for those who were there. It is important for me to regularly attend to this “first love”, and remember my walk with Christ when I was
18, 19, 20. Guide me in my fifties Lord to do the things I did at first in my love for you.

Psalm 65:1-13
Verses 4-5: “What joy for those you choose to bring near, those who live in your holy courts. What festivities await us inside your holy Temple. You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.”

Yes! You are the hope of the world, and 3:16 are the numbers of hope. Guide me Lord as I prepare for Easter and the celebration of your victory over sin and death.

I had an interesting dream last night. I try to record my dreams in this journal as a discipline, because God sometimes uses dreams to instruct or warn his people. I was on a small jet (maybe 20 seats) with people from Wesley heading out on a mission trip. As we began to take off, the pilot said we were at the minimums (I think he meant runway length or wind or weight) for take off. It seemed that it took forever to pick up speed, and then all of a sudden two planes were ahead of us on the runway. The pilot gunned the engines (I wondered why he had not already had them at full throttle), and then slammed on the breaks. We veered off the runway down into a ditch, landing nose first, which smashed the cockpit. I was the first one out of the plane, and began helping the other passengers out, none of whom was badly hurt. Then my dream ended.

Hmmm. I wonder what to make of this dream. We had a meeting yesterday for persons interested in the next trip to Honduras. We were pleased that 20 people attended. Another possibility is that I need to go flying. I don’t think I have made any take offs or landings in almost three months. Thank you Lord for this dream. Guide me as I process it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010

3-21-10 Sunday 6:10 am Wintry Mix, ground is white, 32 degrees

This delightful winter storm has blanketed the ground with a Spring snow storm, and will continue today. The roads seem fine as they were so warm recently. I wonder how many folks will stay home this morning because of the weather.
I will be preaching on John 10:10, in which Jesus states that he came to give life, and to give it abundantly, in all its fullness. We beginning the last week of the One Month to Live challenge, and it has been a good season. My life has been positively impacted incrementally, as this has been my orientation for decades – taking a long view of a short life.

John 10:7-10
“So again Jesus said to them, “very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in a go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (in all its fullness).”
Since my conversion at 18 I have been living the abundant life. I made a deep change, turning from selfishness, entering through the gate of Jesus Christ to life in all its fullness.

4:21 pm Church Office
Audrey and I are here at church for the informational meeting for the Summer trip. She has a roomful of people on this cold and wet afternoon, and she is most appreciative for this significant interest.

This morning our attendance was about half of the normal. God was at work and it was a great morning. Somebody pushed a hidden panic button in one of the offices, and the police showed up mid-morning. There was no panic in the sanctuary or the gym, but people worshipping God and seeking to follow Him with all their lives. I look forward to this coming week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20, 2010

3-20-10 Saturday, 7:08 am Grayrock; raining, 34 degrees

Today will be the first day of Spring, and Winter weather is in the forecast, with possible snow and ice through tomorrow. I will be leading the funeral service for Kali Stewart this afternoon at Wesley. This morning I will finish the message and focus on the service, and at 10:30 share in the Hospitality Team brunch. The Wesley runners club is running 8 this morning, and I chose not to run, given my schedule today.

Numbers 30-31
At God’s command, the Israelites send 12,000 men to “take revenge on the Midianites for leading them into idolatry.” They killed every male (including Balaam) and every woman who was not a virgin. They plundered the Midianites for precious metals, animals and young women, all of which were divided according to God’s direction.

31:54 “So Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted the gifts from the generals and captains and brought the gold to the Tabernacle as a reminder to the Lord that the people of Israel belong to him. Interesting way to say that the treasure of the people was presented to God to remind Him that the people of Israel belong to Him. This is a great daily reminder that the church belongs to Him also, and should daily be seeking ways to present its treasure and its very best to God.

Luke 4:1-30
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, is led into 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, where the devil tempted him with food, power and fame. He resisted each temptation with scripture. Travelling to his hometown, he announces that the scripture read from Isaiah has been fulfilled, and that a prophet is not accepted in his hometown. They led him to a cliff intending to throw him off, but he walked straight through the crowd. I desire to walk daily in the power of the Spirit, which Jesus promised to all who follow him.

Yesterday I saw the Spirit’s leading during my hospital visit to a man who does not believe in Jesus, and in my interactions with staff from the funeral home. Guide me today Lord, that your Spirit may fill my every step.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

3-19-10 Friday, 7:23 am sunny, 38 degrees
I have bluebirds! This morning I looked over my porch and on my birdhouse was a beautiful bluebird. Having removed the beginnings of a sparrow’s nest, I am glad to see the state bird of Missouri preparing for a new family. It is a mystery to me how one particular species locates the house intended for their use.

Numbers 28:16 -29:40

Instructions for celebrating Passover, Pentecost, Feast of Booths. How and what to sacrifice, when to do no ordinary work.

Luke 3:23-38 The geneology of Jesus, from Joseph back to Adam

Psalm 62
Verse 10b “if your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life.”

Proverbs 11:18-19
“Evil people get rich for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last. Godly people find life, evil people find death.”

These verses from “The One Year Bible” all have a relevance today. On Wednesday Dan Sered from Israel spoke to the Wesley congregation about “Christ in the Passover”. A powerful teaching connecting the New Testament to the Old Testament. I desire to know even more about these connections.

If wealth increases … During the last 5 weeks the stock market has gone up 800 points. Most middle class Americans have some investment in this market. It is so tempting to make wealth the center of one’s life. I must constantly avoid this by careful stewardship and extravagant generosity.

Guide me on this Friday Lord as I seek to serve you with all my mind, heart, and strength.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

3-18-10 Thursday, foggy, 28 degrees 7:20 am Grayrock

Luke 3:1-22

This section of Luke names the civic leaders and locates this passage in history with the details common to the writer Luke, who was a physician. It describes the ministry of John the Baptist, including his baptizing Jesus. Last night at the “Christ in the Passover” presentation by Dan Sered he mentioned the fifth cup, ready for Elijah. Messianic (Christian) Jews recognize that Elijah has already come in the person of John the Baptist.

I had a most interesting visit with Dan yesterday over lunch, discussing God’s will, modern Israel, modern Judaism, and his own experience of faith in Christ. It increased my desire to visit Israel, and to learn more about the entire Middle East –politics, history, geography, and religion.

Thank you Lord for John the Baptist and his obedience to your will in his life. May I live today with boldness and complete trust in your will and purposes in my life.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

3-16-10 Tuesday, 6:45 am Grayrock, 38 degrees, foggy, birds singing.

Yesterday was well spent as a “Sabbath”, and I feel rested and ready for this day and this week. I am reading Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn and it is resonating with me. His thesis is that there are two possibilities for individuals and organizations – deep change or slow death. As I am reading through the Old Testament I am reminded that God’s people have always experienced these two possibilities. With intentionality I desire to vigilantly consider how God is guiding me, and how He is directing my steps as I lead His church.

Numbers 24:1-25:18
“Now Balaam realized that the Lord was determined to bless Israel…” Today we have a Jewish Christian arriving who will speak with us tomorrow evening. He works in Jerusalem with Jews for Jesus. I am looking forward to meeting him and spending a couple of days together. Balaam’s message, delivered to Balak is recorded in this chapter. It is a beautiful message of God’s care and blessing of Israel. This is the spiritual heritage of God’s people, for whom he cares deeply and will bless.

Having blessed Israel, Balaam next prophecies against the people of Moab, of Amalek, the Kenites and those from Eber and Assyria. “Alas, who can survive unless God has willed it?” In my generation, God is at work directly as He was in the days of Balaam. He is revealing his will and working among people to raise up and to cast down. My desire is to embody the words of Balaam, and be one whose “eyes see clearly, … who hears the words of God, who has knowledge from the Most High, who sees a vision from the almighty, who bows down with eyes wide open.” May it be so, Lord, today and every day.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

3-15-10 Monday, 7:18 am Grayrock 44 degrees.

The sun has not yet come up. This first Monday after the time change feels like it has not yet recovered. I know that I have not recovered, and am feeling the effects of a strenuous Sunday. I am drinking a cup of strong Honduran coffee and enjoying a slower start on this my “Sabbath”.

Nu 22:21-23:30 Balaam, a prophet, hired by Balak to curse the Israelites has God speak to him in dreams and in visions. Balaam disobeys God, who sends His angel to block Balaam’s way. His donkey shies away from the angel three times, and is beaten. Then God gives the donkey a voice and also opens Balaam’s eyes to the presence of the angel. Balaam is instructed to continue on the journey, but to only say what God tells him, and he proceeds to bless Israel.

This is a most curious incident, and has several implications. It reminds me that God has spoken to people. God is an advocate for his people. God protects his people. God uses unusual means at times to accomplish his purposes. This account is unique, and reading it today alerts me to God’s daily, creative presence.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010 "Finishing Well"

3-14-10 Sunday, 5:23 am (Daylight savings time) 39 degrees, dark!

I think I have successfully navigated the “spring ahead” on this weekend that we corporately lose an hour. I have one clock that still reads 4:23, assuring me that I have in fact set the rest ahead. My cell phone and computer automatically reset, which is a little disconcerting, as it is hard to verify that they have done so.

II Timothy 4:6-8
The apostle Paul states that he has “fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith.” This is a marvelous example of a human finishing well. He was probably in his 60s, probably executed in Rome by beheading. His life had been “poured out as a libation”, like a drink offering at the tabernacle, wine poured onto the ground as an offering to God. He looks forward to the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge will give him, and also to “all who have longed for his appearing.”

My sermon this morning is entitled “Finishing Well”. I have been looking forward to it for weeks. I still need some final touches, and I have about an hour to do so. Speak through me this morning holy Lord that each of us might adjust our lives to fully live for you, right to the very end, whether it is within a month, or decades away.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

3-13-10 Saturday, 5:30 am 38 degrees, drizzle

Psalm 56

Verse 3 “when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.
Verse 4 “I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
Verse 8 “You keep track of all my sorrows…

Having prayed last night with 5 year old Kali and her family as she begins hospice care, the above verses are very poignant. Trusting in God, believing that He knows all our sorrows, even collecting our tears in his bottle, is comforting and the only real way forward in this life.

Now for a 7 mile run, my first with the Wesley running group (they will do 10, I will join them 1 ½ miles into their run.)

9:15 am

Whew! I am invigorated and my legs are sore from a great run before dawn in the cold drizzle. Plainview and Cox road are hilly! It was great to be running with others, there were 7 of us total, as they kept me going, even up the hills when I felt like walking. I was able to “finish well.” That in fact is my title for tomorrow’s sermon, and we will use running as one of the metaphors for the Christian life. Today I will make my final preparations in addition to supporting the Upwards Award ceremonies, and making a couple of visits.

Thank you for the gift of this day, Holy Lord. Guide me as I live for you, keeping my eyes on your cross and your resurrection.

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

3-12-10 Friday, 6:02 am Grayrock

I will pray the invocation at a breakfast meeting of pastors and legislators at the Towers at 7:15 this morning. Last night I visited the ICU at St. Johns and baptized an infant as her parents awaited transport to Children’s hospital in St. Louis for possible heart surgery this morning. Pam (Children’s Director) and Michelle (Congregational Care Director) were also with this precious family.

Numbers 16:41-17

A plague breaks out in Israel and Aaron takes coals from the altar and runs out, standing between the living and the dead. The plague subsides. God instructs Moses to have the leader of each of the twelve tribes bring a staff, representing their leadership to the tabernacle. Overnight Aaron’s rod buds out, flowers, and produces almonds as a sign that God has chosen him to lead. This was to end the dispute about leadership, and the murmurings among the people.

I will meditate on this today as I lead and serve. Thank you Lord for this early morning.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

3-11-10 Thursday, 7:27 am Grayrock, 44 degrees, cloudy

Having had breakfast meetings the last two days, and one tomorrow, I am starting this morning a little more slowly. Running and lifting at noon yesterday has left me stiff and remembering that this body is aging. My weekend theme of “Finishing Well” fills my mind and heart as daily I desire to be all that God is developing me to be, maximizing fruitfulness, walking humbly with my Lord.

Numbers 15:39 God tells Moses to have the people make tassels for the hems of their clothing and attach them with a blue cord. “when you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all the commands of the Lord instead of following your own desires and defiling yourselves, as you are prone to do.”

I am prone to “follow my own desires”, and I need daily reminders to obey “all the commands of the Lord”. Guide me holy Lord in every ounce of energy, may it be expended according to your will. Jesus would criticize the religious leaders of his day for their tassels, as they had become so concerned with the external appearances and prestige. It is good for me to remember the origin of these tassels, their holy purposes, and how over the generations they lost meaning and became a source of unhealthy pride. What are the “tassels” of the church today – items with holy origins but now are unhealthy source of external, showy religion? This could be the subject of a good essay.

We are nearing the end of the One Month to Live emphasis. I am finding it very healthy and a guide to holy, purposeful living. We are considering how this theme be continued, and what material we should use as the basis of Spring 2011 emphasis. We are also working on developing leaders through the church. In January we had over 90 leaders attend the Igniting event in the choir loft. I will continue to follow up those leaders, perhaps with an email today, as I have them all in a Outlook group, thanks to the great work of one of our office volunteers.

Guide me today holy Lord as I seek to follow you, lead other through servant ministry, and expand your kingdom in my generation.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

3-10-10 Wednesday, 6:26 am 44 degrees.

Last night we had a wonderful small group here at our house. Ten of us participated, five are in their early 20s. God is at work, and the One Month to Live video, part 4, with Nick who was born without arms or legs was powerful. I am so thankful for this series, and for the privilege of leading one of Wesley’s 50 small groups. Today and tomorrow I have several leadership meetings. It is exciting to work with individuals who have God’s call upon them to serve in this congregation in structuring ministries.

Numbers 14-15
Following the report from the promised land of the 12 spies, the Israelites cry all night long, rebelling against Moses, Aaron, and God. They ask why they couldn’t just die in the wilderness, or back in Egypt instead of marching into this land of walled cities and giants where they imagine their wives will be ravaged and their children sold into slavery. They begin to organize a revolt with leaders to take them back to Egypt.

I see this same phenomena in communities of faith that are on the verge of significant change and about to live into God’s promises. Strong, humble leaders like Moses are needed to resist this rebellion, to experience God’s glorious presence (14:10) and to lead God’s people in God’s will. Whom will God send to lead the millions of United Methodists who are turning back from the promised land (this current generation) and want to go back to Egypt (America in the 1950s)? How will God’s presence and power be manifest if not through our weakness and our obedience?

This is the day that the Lord has made – let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

3-9-10 Tuesday, 6:49 am Grayrock, 50 degrees, cloudy

I had a hard time getting up this morning. I have a 7:45 am breakfast appointment, and set my clock for 5:45, but snoozed until 6:30. Now for the Word, prayer and getting ready for the day.

Numbers 11:24 ff
God puts his spirit upon the 70 elders, as He had upon Moses. Two men who are designated as elders but are not assembled at the tabernacle begin to prophesy, and Joshua complains to Moses. Moses says he wished that “all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them all.” (verse 29)

This is also my desire for the church – that God’s spirit would be poured out upon all, and that all would speak God’s truth, know God’s word, and live the anointed, Spirit-filled life. Guide me today Lord as I serve you as pastor and leader among your people entrusted with the keys of the Kingdom in our generation.

Monday, March 8, 2010

2-8-10 Monday, 8:29 am Grayrock, 48 degrees, sunny.

My Outlook flashes a reminder that this is my “Sabbath”. I am not good at keeping “Sabbath”. Eugene Peterson reminds me of its importance, and reading the Pentateuch reminds me that it is God’s design – work six, rest one. But as a person who labors “in the temple”, and works hard to design and conduct worship, it still feels odd to take a Sabbath on a weekday, a workday for most. I will read today, share lunch and dinner with friends, exercise, organize and plant some seeds. Guide me on this day of rest, holy One.

Numbers 10-11

Moses continues to lead the people. God tells them the order to break camp and march. The people begin to complain about having no meat. God tells Moses he will provide meat for a month, until they are sick of it, for they have rejected Him. In what ways is the church in danger of rejecting God? What do the people of my generation “whine” about? How can I discern God’s leading, and faithfully bear the burden of “these people” as Moses bore the burden of His people?

Mark 14, Psalm 51

Jesus prepares to celebrate the Passover, and David prays for a new heart, and the return of joy. Thank you Lord for scripture, for this “One Year Bible”, and your Spirit which speaks daily to my spirit.

I have a dilemma – I have set out a house for bluebirds, and a pair of sparrows is building a nest. Last year I attracted a pair of bluebirds early, then two batches of sparrows. I am inclined to remove the sparrows and their nest if they have not laid eggs and wait for the state birds of Missouri to build a nest. However, God sees even the sparrows, and I already feel bad about destroying their hard work of nesting. Hmmm, what should I do?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

3-7-10 Sunday, 6:10 am, Grayrock, 48 degrees

The birds around here thought today was the change to daylight savings time, as they started in around 5:30. I am well rested and ready for this exciting day of worship, communion, ministry and connections.
Guide me each step of the way most holy Lord.

Mark 13:14-37 Jesus teaching about the end of time
Verse 32 states “however, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert.” Yes Lord, I will stay alert and be diligent to watch daily for your kingdom coming. Today I will expect your hand to work among us as we worship, care and serve you.

This morning I am preaching about humbly learning from our mistakes and how to lean upon God. Peter and Paul are my two main illustrations. I have the opportunity to share the Word in ways that are transformative. Such a great opportunity, such a huge responsibility. Thank you Lord for the planning and prep that our worship team has invested.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6, 2010

3-6-10 Saturday, 8:41 am Grayrock, 49 degrees, sunny

Having stayed up late watching a movie here at home with Audrey, I have slept in. I feel rested, but wasteful, as the day has begun to unfold without me. This morning I will meet with another pastor at the office, make several phone calls, support the Upward games, then prepare for this afternoon’s wedding. Guide me as I invest my life today, prioritizing my energy for eternity, guarding against “wood, hay and straw”.

Psalm 49 – a great but rarely quoted psalm about the fate of the wicked, even though they get rich and name their estates. The grave swallows each one, and their memory on earth fades. This is a great “One Month to Live” psalm, as it reminds the righteous of eternity, and verse 15 “But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave.” Yes God! My life is in you Lord, my hope is in You Lord, my life is in You Lord, it’s in you, it’s in you.

Numbers 6-7 describes the Nazirite vow. It also includes these words of blessing in 6:24-26 “May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.”

Proverbs 10:27-28 reminds me that “Fear of the Lord lengthens one’s life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing.”

Today, during this beginning, I renew my fear, awe, respect, love for the Lord, who redeems my life from the pit, who is my good shepherd, and who directs my path. I eagerly look forward to today’s path. Exactly one week ago our Honduran group was making final preparation to leave the bed and breakfast in Tegucigalpa and head for the airport. It was a long and good day of travel. Today in Springfield God is at work in the multitude of lives in so many ways.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5, 2010

3-5-10 Friday, 6:17 am Grayrock, 33 degrees, dawn.

A week from Sunday we “spring ahead” and set clocks forward to daylight savings time. I am noticing longer days and earlier sunrises as the earth daily makes its journey around the sun. Last evening I worked in the garden a little, observed some new nesting material in the bluebird house, and went for a short motorcycle ride at dusk. This morning I am filled with awe at the immensity of creation, my small part of it, and God’s wonderful design.

Mark 11:27- 12:17

“Again they entered Jerusalem. As Jesus was walking through the temple area …” The 21 pilgrims from Wesley are in Israel this week. I can just imagine their daily experiences touring and learning. Maybe next year I will lead a pilgrimage there.

Chapter 12 – Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard developer who leases his vineyard to tenant farmers. They beat up and kill successive servants who come to collect the owner’s portion, until he just has his son left, whom they kill. The religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus because they realized they were the object of this story, but they did not because they feared the crowd who endorsed Jesus.

In the light of the “One Month to Live” emphasis, this parable highlights the selfishness of people who are put in charge of that which they did not create or build. The religious leaders of 30 AD, just like religious leaders of 2010 are stewards of the community and structure established by God for His purposes. It is so short-sighted to get possessive and to resist “the owner” as we work in His vineyard. John Wesley struggled with this as the Church of England leaders pushed back on his initiatives. What is God doing today that religious leaders are rejecting? What movement of God might I miss if I do not pay careful attention to His word and work, and keep careful awareness of the reality of my role, resisting any aggrandizement that tempts every leader?

One discipline for me would be to search out the emerging wisdom from developing countries where God is at work building the church. How could I locate the journals of pastors and leaders in Central and South America, Africa and Asia? Guide me Lord as I keep my ear attentive to the word and will of the owner of the Vineyard.

I am reading TransforMissional Coaching and resonating with authors Ogne and Roehl who contend that the next generation of pastors and leaders will best be equipped not by lecture from a seminary, or techniques from a seminar, but from coaching as they work in the vineyard and learn concurrent with their ministry. They propose that the internet can be the source of theological content, and best practices can be studied, but the application of ministry is so unique and the culture rapidly changing that the most effective cultivation of pastoral leaders will be through coaching. If I had “one month to live” how would I invest in pastors who will carry the baton in the next lap?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

3-4-10 Grayrock Dr. 5:28 am

This is one of those rare mornings in which I wake up before 5:00 am, without an alarm or appointment, feeling rested and ready for the day. I have hoped that as I get older I would require less sleep and have more mornings like this. I will read scripture from the One Year Bible, the daily entry from One Month to Live, and work for a couple of hours on sermon prep for this Sunday and reading in prep for the Easter worship meeting this afternoon. I will also download the 300+ pictures taken in Honduras on our camera. (One thing I would do if I knew I literally had “one month to live” is organize the family photos, including the videos I have taken since 1985, the movies, slides and stills my parents have taken. Hmmm, maybe I should work diligently on this …)

Thank you Lord for the joy of this day.

Numbers 2:1 – 3:51
I first back-tracked to yesterday to catch Numbers chapter 1. It takes place a year after the Israelites departure from Egypt. The Lord spoke to Moses while he was in the tabernacle – It is critical that I spend time in the places that I can hear God’s voice – in the sanctuary, in quiet moments early like this, with my spiritual ears open while exercising, while conversing with prayer partners. Guide me, lead me Lord as you led Moses to accomplish your will.

During this year in which the United States is taking its regular ten-year census, the book of Numbers, with all its details, seems especially relevant. It also reminds me of how important the details and the individuals are to The Lord. In 1:4 God tells Moses that he and Aaron will be assisted by one leading family in each tribe, and proceeds to name the family in each tribe which will assist in this numbering project.

Chapter 2 of Numbers describes the plan by which the Israelites will camp and then march – three tribes on each side of the tabernacle, with the Levites camping immediately around the tabernacle. In total, the number of men 20 years old and up and armed for battle was 603,550. The Israelites did all that the Lord commanded.

What a testimony – to do all that the Lord commands. What does this mean for Wesley UMC in Springfield? What does this mean for Bruce Baxter? Reading these chapters from Numbers, what could be a very boring book, has jumpstarted my thinking today about vital obedience, living faithfully for God in this generation, in this location, in this point of history with a specific congregation.

One outcome of living as though a person is in their final month is to “make peace with God.” I have yet to see this emphasis in Shooks’ book, but it seems vital. And there is no better time than today to begin living in harmony with God’s will, individually and corporately for God’s people. John Wesley was very particular about this for his life, and I have been for my life since I was 18. Guide me today, in later midlife, to diligently pursue Your will for my life, holy LORD.

One Month to Live: (even though I should be reading day 10, I have picked up at day 8 “Kick Start”)
This reading involves the metaphor of life like a motorcross track. This is a possibility for Sunday’s sermon, with a video of Chris and Kerry at a motorcross. The main point is that life has crashes, high-side and low-side. Peter’s denial of Christ was the extreme “high-side” crash of history, and Christ forgave him, restoring him to the center of leadership in the ministry of the disciples. (One could argue that Judas’ crash was fatal, as it was, and any of us could go that route and be out for good, sinning the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit as he did).

I am reminded that to compete at any level is to crash. The women’s gold medalist in the downhill, Lindsey Vonn, crashed in Austria a week before the Olympics, injuring her shin so severely she could not have raced at the beginning of the scheduled Olympic competition – but the weather delayed the start of the competition several days, and she healed and then won the gold. I need to trust God completely, that living full-out I will crash, and God will restore, redeem, and use my weakness for His glory. If I live and minister cautiously, the heights and full extent of God’s glory will not be revealed in my life. I am yours O Lord on this racetrack of life. Use me fully.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

3-3-10 Wednesday, 7:29 am Pastor’s Office

It was a crisp, clear morning as I defrosted the car on the way to an early morning hospital visit, praying for a member who will have surgery today. I picked up a couple of dozen donuts for the office, and am looking forward to the Word and prayer in these quiet moments.

Mark 11:1-26
Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We are just 3 ½ weeks away from Palm Sunday and holy week. The days pass rapidly by. Jesus instructs the disciples to go to the village and untie the colt that has never been ridden. The scenes from Honduras come flooding back to me as we saw so many horses, oxen, burros used on a daily basis. I can picture Jesus’ village better because I have been in Honduran villages.

Jesus overturns the tables of the moneychangers, and quotes Isaiah 56:7 “my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples”. This reminds me of Bill Gothard, and his theory that every church should be called “House of Prayer”. I wonder how his life and ministry are developing. In the 1970’s I attended his “Institute for Basic Youth Conflicts”, and still have the notebook. A quick search of the web just gave me a Wikipedia article, and Gothard’s own web page. He is 75 now and seems to be still going strong. In 2004 he earned a Ph. D. in Biblical studies.

Continuing in Mark 11, Jesus is confronted by the high priests and religion scholars who demanded to see his credentials. He asked them a question about the authority of John the Baptist, and when they waffled, he refused to answer about his credentials. Jesus’ ministry was filled with wisdom, conflict, challenging the established religion, and compassion. I desire for my ministry today and each day to immulate His, as it is Christ in me which is the hope of glory. Guide me holy Lord today as I seek to serve you and walk in the way that leads to life eternal.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 28 - March 2

2-28-10 Sunday, 6:36 Grayrock

We arrived at Wesley around midnight, and it was sooo cold! Only 26, but dressed in a windbreaker and coming from 7 days of tropical temps I froze going around the building to get the car. I am up and at um, and really hoping we will get the video sermon we recorded for today to work. I will shower and dress in a few minutes to leave at 7:15. It feels so good to be home, and I have more energy than I anticipated. My right ear is still plugged from the flight into KC, and my cold is in full bloom. Guide me this morning as I lead this precious congregation called Wesley, baptizing and receiving new members, sending off a study group to Israel, etc.
Mark 9 (Esp verse 49)
“Everyone will be tested with fire” (resembles I Cor 3:12).
Don’t let your salt loose its flavor. (you are the salt of the earth)
These verses remind me of the clear teaching of Jesus, and the need to daily be refreshed, renewed and recharged for the kingdom.

3-1-10 Monday, 8:40 am Grayrock, 29 degrees.

Leviticus 24-25 Moses receives from God the directives including an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. There is the instruction not to take Israelites as slaves, but okay to take other nations as slaves is deemed okay. I can see how colonists in the “new world” would find in this scripture and others as substantiation of the African slave trade. I am also aware of “human trafficking” around the world today, which enslaves probably more individuals than the slave trade of the 1700s.

I cannot see how a Christ-follower could take anyone as a slave, owning another human as property. I regret that any family, tribe or people are so impoverished that selling their daughters and sons seems the only way to survive. We have a missionary who grew up at Wesley, Haley Grayless who will be going for two years to India to document human trafficking, with the goal of combating it. I need to make my faith promise for her support.

3-2-10 Tuesday, 7:18 am Grayrock 26 degrees

Mark 10:32-52 On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus tells his disciples what will happen there – his beating, crucifixion, and resurrection. In awe, James and John ask for the best seats in heaven. Jesus uses this as a teaching moment on leadership, describing the difference of leading by serving instead of lording position over others. Along the way, he heals blind Bartimaeus through his faith, and he then follows Jesus.

There is much to chew on in these 20 verses. Jim Massey leads pilgrims from Wesley to Jerusalem, leaving this morning from our parking lot. Our staff will meet today for prayer, and then the nifty nine for planning. Servant leadership needs to be continually lifted up by me, and each of us in all the ministry areas of this wonderful church.

The One Month To Live emphasis is going strong, entering week 3 of 6. This week we focus on the principle of “Love Completely”. Guide me Holy Lord as I seek to serve those I lead, and to love completely in the way you modeled.