Friday, February 26, 2010

February 25 and 26 from Honduras

2-25-10 Thursday 7:05 am Talanga

The power went out last night around 10:15 and is still out. No water, light or coffee!I am outside our room for devotions.

Mark 9 - the transfiguration - Jesus heals a difficult case, and speaks of his death and resurrection. Powerful words for today as we have our last day of work.

2-26-10 Friday, 9:00 pm Tegucigalpa, bed and breakfast.

We are in the final chapter. This day of travel, sight seeing, and shopping has gone well. Our closing group devotion was powerful around the scripture from Phillipians "I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me!" There were tears as we recalled how Christ has strengthened us for the tasks assigned this week. We are just about finished, and this week has been a rich blessing.

I look forward to journaling more from Springfield, and to seeing the Wesley congregation on Sunday Morning for week two of One Month To Live, new members joining, and to the baptisms.

In Christ,


Sunday, February 21, 2010

From Honduras on Sunday, Feb 21 2010

We have made it safely to Honduras, and I am typing this from an internet cafe in Talanga. Following are journal entries I typed on my Treo.

2-20-10 9:00 am Houston

Well,we are loaded on the 737. There are 5 mission groups on this flight. Our flight from Kansas City was cancelled, so we were rerouted through Denver. We arrived in Houston around midnight, and got 4 hours of sleep before meeting at 6:15 am.

8:50 pm Talanga

Ahhh, we are tucked into our room with 10 hours unscheduled! I will run at 7:00 am with Carlos, our translator. Both internet Cafes were closed last night after dinner. We met pastor Jose as we were driving back to the hotel.

I will read from Leviticus as my evening devotions.

2-21-10 11:30 am Talanga, internet cafe

We have toured the church site this morning where we will work. Worship services are this afternoon at 4:00 and 6:00. It feels weird to not be in worship on this Sunday morning. Audrey is doing a great job leading the team, coordinating everything.

Tonight we will view the One Month to Live video and do week 2 of the small group.
Our 14 people are working very well as a group. I am praying that God will use me as a supportive and encouraging member of this team. It is good to get to know each team member on a deeper level.

Signing off for now, Posting again soon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 18 and 19

2-18-10 Thursday, 6:55 am Grayrock Dr.; 16 degrees, sunny
I hear birds chirping! This winter has been a long, cold, dark season, which will make Spring all the more beautiful in contrast. I hung the bluebird house that last year hosted one family of bluebirds and two broods of sparrows. Tomorrow the 14 of us leave for Honduras, spending Friday night in Houston en route.
Mark 3:7-30; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 10:3-4

In the gospel Jesus heals many, casts out demons, and calls his twelve disciples. The religious leaders, who are becoming his enemies accuse him of being “possessed by Satan”, and thus able to cast out demons. He responds with the illustration that a country divided against itself cannot stand, and a family which is feuding will fall apart. I desire to be fully used by God, which might make some religious leaders uncomfortable.

Psalm 37:3-4 says “Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” I do trust in the Lord and am experiencing His blessing as I delight in Him. I am trusting Him for safety on this trip to Honduras as I do on a daily basis.
Lord, guard me from complacency, from being content with the way things are. Use me in the ongoing struggle of your Kingdom coming, against all evil, injustice, and even religious opposition. In my remaining years, send me into the middle of your work, give me wisdom, courage and patience when those around do not understand.

2-19-10 Friday, 7:25 am Grayrock, 39 degrees, cloudy
We leave this morning for Honduras, by way of Kansas City, Houston, and then tomorrow, Honduras. Larry will drive the church van for us today, Wes will pick us up next Saturday.

Mark 3:31-4:25 Jesus teaches in parables.

He uses the parable of the seed and the soil to teach his disciples about God’s word. His explanation describes the variety of responses I have observed throughout my ministry in United Methodist Churches across Missouri – some do not respond at all, the evil one having snatched the seed immediately. Some accept the word, but have no roots, and soon fall away. Some begin to grow as followers of Christ, but “all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced” (4:19-20) And I have the joy of seeing some people respond to God’s word as fertile soil, reproducing the life of Christ 30, 60, even 100 fold.

I desire to continue to be fertile soil, to deepen my roots, to eliminate any “thorns”, and to multiply. Guide me Lord as I venture to Honduras to support your work there, and as we daily move forward in the “One Month to Live” 30-day challenge.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

February 17, Ash Wednesday 5:30 am Grayrock 21 degrees

I am ready for this much anticipated day. This morning is the beginning of Lent, the historic season of preparation by Christians throughout the ages. We have just begun the “One Month to Live” series, and last night I hosted the first small group session. We met in my office which worked well for our first session. Next week we will meet somewhere in Honduras (my small group consists of members and family of Honduras mission team) and then upon return we will establish our plan for the rest of Lent.

Today I will apply ashes at 6:45 with Wes Buckholz for the youth who make the sacrifice to stop by Wesley before school and wear the ashes all day, and tonight at 6:00 for the congregation who gather in the sanctuary.
Scripture – Psalm 36
“Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.”

As a new Christian I learned a song based on this scripture (King James Version) which runs through my mind as I read this New Living Translation. The vastness of God, and His care for people and animals. Caring is the middle verb of our church’s mission statement, and this morning I am reminded from this Psalm that it is the action of God, also embodied in and through the church. Guide me today as I care for people (and a couple of cats!) O Lord.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010


Is it ever okay to make a “typo” (typographical mistake)? I have been typing One Month to Live in my writing and preparation, and for some reason it often comes out as “One Month to Love”. This seems to be a fortunate typo, as it truly expresses the heart of the message. At Wesley we are now into the first week of One Month to Live (OMTL). Small groups are watching the first week’s video hosted by Chris and Kerry Shook.

On Sunday Ed Smith presented me with a tombstone engraved with my name, birthday, and a space for my end date. I have hung it in the office hallway where each one of Wesley's senior pastors’ pictures is on display. It is my daily reminder that I only have a short time (even if it is decades) to be a husband to Audrey, a father to David, Danelle, Bethany, and a pastor at Wesley United Methodist Church.

One Month to Love – what a great typo. On my tombstone instead of a dash between birthday and end day there could be a heart – during this life he loved. Jesus loved his disciples all the way to the end. Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Therefore, I am living this month with a focus on loving with God’s love and pointing people to the love of Christ.

With One Month to Love,


Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

2-15-10 Monday Morning, Grayrock, 15 degrees, cloudy

I begin this journal entry with the excitement of a 30-day experiment, posting it onto the web for those who desire to read. My goal in writing a journal is to focus my mind and heart upon what God is doing and saying as I read the scripture, review the previous day, anticipate the coming day. I am looking forward to the days that lie ahead, including this week of preparing to travel to Honduras, next week being in Honduras, and the weeks following which will lead up to Easter.

Yesterday was a good Sunday. My message “Longview of a Short Life” was well received and seemed to be a great kickoff for the One Month to Live series. My hope is that many hearers will examine and adjust their lives to build with gold, silver, precious stones as I Cor 3:12 describes. Relationships are the key to eternity. For me, in addition to preaching and personal ministry, writing is a means to relate to people beyond hearing distance, and also beyond this current generation if my journals can be fruitful to future Christ-followers.

Mark Chapter 1 is the Daily Reading from the One Year Bible. It begins by quoting a prophecy from Isaiah announcing that God will send His messenger ahead to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming. This messenger was John the Baptist who had a singular message – be baptized to show that you have repented of sin and turned to God to be forgiven (vs. 4). My observation is that repentance and confession precede any work of God, be it in an individual’s life, or at the beginning of a major revival. The 1970 spontaneous revival at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky started as students and faculty went to the microphone and confessed their sins.

What would it look like at Wesley United Methodist Church if during the One Month to Live emphasis people confessed and repented of sins? Guide us Holy Lord as we seek to follow you completely. Guide me as a pastor and pilgrim on this Way.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pastor's daily Journal - One Month to Live

February 12, 2010

I look forward to posting my daily journal on this blog. I have been keeping a journal since I was 14. I will be testing this medium, and the response of people interested in my daily thoughts.

Email me at with your response to this daily journal.

In Christ,

Bruce Baxter