Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

Today is the one day this week predicted to be rain-free. With it raining every day, the vegetation is happy. Audrey and I will hit the packing hard, from dawn to setting sun. The party the staff threw for us yesterday was really good, and their gift to me was an outfit that left me looking like a hipster from top to bottom. They insisted that I model it, and from the Tom’s shoes to the Warby Parker glasses (on loan for photo only!) I am ready to expand the way I dress for work.

II Sam 6

David gathered 30,000 men to go with him to Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God. As I read this account this morning, a story with which I am fairly familiar, I am struck by the way God is described: “which is called by the Name, the very name of the Lord of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim.”  In this modern era, the Name is not as respected nor adored is God has been, and will be at the end of time. I need to honor the Name in every way through my life.

Lord, guide me today as I turn to packing up our earthly belongings in this house in Springfield as we prepare to move to Cape Girardeau. Thank you for the Wesley staff and their love expressed through the lunch and going away gift. This is the day which You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

I was up at 4:00 am, read Psalm 100 and Proverbs 9. Rode the Kawasaki to the grocery for coffee, milk and tooth paste, grabbing a box of ice cream cones just for fun. On the way home crossed the James River toward Nixa just to extend the ride. Now at home in the family room to write and read. 

Yesterday I started the morning at Wesley at 7:30 meeting with the hospitality team, and then attended the teaching session of Annual Conference as Adam Hamilton taught about preaching and worship. I met Audrey for brunch at 10, we attended Wesley Downtown for Kerner’s last Sunday. We split a sandwich and then enjoyed Adam’s teaching session from 2 -3:30. We stood in line to buy his recent book Making Sense of the Bible and to have him sign it. While in line we had several nice conversations. He inscribed our book “Blessings, I am grateful for you!” Upon arriving home, we packed until 9:15. All in all, a very good day.

This morning I will head to the final session of Annual conference, with the bishop explaining the appointment process, then the final business session, then the moving. Ron Watts is staying until the end of Conference, just to receive me at the La Croix table.

I am Your servant, most Holy Lord. Use me today as You see fit, I surrender my life, vocation, relationships, hobbies, hopes and dreams to the benefit of Your kingdom. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Goodbye Wesley faith community from Bruce and Audrey

It is with hearts filled with gratitude that we say good-bye to the people of Wesley United Methodist Church. During the worship services this past Sunday, and at the reception in the Moore Gathering Area we experienced hundreds of heart-felt expressions from members and friends with whom we have shared joys and sorrows, highs and lows, mission trips and musicals. Mel Prouty and Margaret Lindsey blessed us with prayer, public commendations and a generous check from the church.  Rochelle Collette and the worship arts teams presented Audrey with jewelry and both of us with a clock made in 1905 similar to the clock in the Pastor’s Office at Wesley. (Glen Sanders has restored both the clock given to the church for the pastor’s study, and the one given to us this weekend.) We also received many kind and moving written messages of love in your cards and in the memory book at the reception.

Having said our public farewells, we now turn to the details of handing off the leadership of Wesley to the Rev. Scott Bailey-Kirk, and the packing up of our earthly belongings as we move to Cape Girardeau. Between now and June 26 I will be the lead pastor of Wesley as the needs for daily ministry and service continue. The staff will continue to perform their excellent service in leading the ministries of this church. On Sunday, June 8, The Rev. Mark Struckhoff will be preaching in the sanctuary and the youth will be leading the worship service in the gym at 10:40, as they return from their choir mission trip. On June 15 the Rev. Dwight Chapman will preach at all 4 worship services on the south (Republic Rd.) campus. On June 22 the Rev Mi Hyeon Lee will preach at all 4 services.

At the Wesley Downtown St. Paul Campus the Rev. Ron McIntire preached his final sermon this past weekend and will begin his retirement (again!) having previously retired as a public school superintendent. The Rev. Matt Kerner graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary over Memorial Day weekend, and will conclude his ministry with Wesley as he preaches both the 9:30 and 11:30 worship services downtown on June 8. Beginning June 15 there will be a single worship service at the Wesley Downtown St. Paul campus at 10:30 and held in a large Sunday School room as renovations proceed with the sanctuary.

Audrey and I give thanks to God for the seven years we have been privileged to sojourn among this community. May our Lord richly bless each one who became part of our lives during this season.