Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 26 – Forty Days in the Word

On this Monday morning my body is recovering from the exertion of leading the faith community called Wesley United Methodist Church through its Sunday ministries. Audrey and I will be traveling for the next couple of days and I am preparing for that trip. It is good for me at this early hour to simply open the 40 Days in the Word Workbook, turn to day 26 and begin to study the scriptures.

James 3:13

NASB – “Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.”

Bruce’s paraphrase – If any of you has wisdom and deep understanding let it be shown in your actions – deeds of good behavior performed with gentle wisdom.

Application – wisdom is borne out in actions – a wise person is identified by what is done, not just what is thought. Of course Jesus observed that evil deeds come from sin that is in the heart, and what is done springs from what is thought.

Guide me today, most holy Lord as I move forward with developing relationships with the gentleness of wisdom.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 25 – Forty Days in the Word

I am looking forward to leading worship today at Wesley! We will celebrate communion, make a last appeal for Saturday’s Mission Blitz, and baptize one of our young adults. My message is about Bible study with the text being from the Gospel of John, chapter 15.

Day 25 – Forty Days in the Word

Rather than use the scripture suggested by the workbook, I will use the paraphrase method on the scripture from which I will be preaching this morning.

John 15:4 –5

Live in me, as I live in you. Just as the branch cannot produce grapes unless it draws its source from the vine, neither can you produce the life of God unless you draw your source from Me. I am the vine, the central source of life, you are the branches, living in me. Those who live in me and I in them are exceptionally fruitful, but separated from me you can do nothing. (Bruce Baxter’s Paraphrase)

Paraphrasing these verses is not easy. Working on it is a discipline that gives me greater insight into the meaning. Reading my paraphrase increases my desire and my intention to live completely in Christ, allowing His life in me to make my life exceptionally fruitful. There is an invisibility at work here. My experience is with blackberries. I pruned my four bushes in December, and cut off a few dead branches. I always feel sorry for the dead ones, and wonder what caused their death. I wince when I prune the living branches, and trust that pruning them will produce greater fruit.

God has been at work pruning me during the last several months. I look forward to the fruitfulness that will follow, as I completely live in Christ, draw my strength, my life from Him, and expect my life to be fruitful as He works in me that which I could not work in myself.

Paul wrote in Romans 8 – “I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (8:38-39)

Guide me on this precious sabbath morning, most Holy Lord as I live in you and you live in me. Speak through me, comfort through me, encourage through me, baptize through me. This is the day that You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 24 – Forty Days in the Word

James 1:22-25

During this week the assignment is to paraphrase the daily scripture. Here is my paraphrase –

"But be examples of those who act upon what the word says, and not merely those who study it but never implement its teaching thus fooling themselves that they are faithful. For if anyone studies the Bible but does not implement its teachings, that person is like one glancing at the face in the mirror, but moves on forgetting what was just seen. But anyone who really studies the complete Bible, the Word of grace, and adopts it into one’s life, not simply reading and forgetting what it says, but effectively putting it into practice will be blessed in the doing."

May my life daily be an example of looking intently into the perfect law, the law of liberty, abiding in it. May I never become forgetful of God’s word, but instead an effectual doer (What does the Lord require of you…) and thus experience the blessing of God in what I do.

Today is Saturday, it is 7:37 am in Springfield, 35 degrees and clear, heading for a high of 55 and sunny.

I have an unusually blank calendar on this Saturday. I will work hard on writing projects – my sermon and my presentation for Tuesday. I got a good night’s rest last night, and my goal will be to get up at 5 am tomorrow rested and ready for the day. I am feeling inspired and prepared to think, write, discern, create. Yesterday on the recommendation of Dave Conley I purchased the Kindle version of Paul Taylor’s The Next America. It has great data and his interpretation of the “looming generational showdown.”

In his preface, Paul Taylor, who turns 65 this year, contrasts the America he remembers with the current reality. He states “Our political, social, and religious institutions are weaker, our middle class smaller, our cultural norms looser, our public debate courser, our technologies faster, our immigrant-woven tapestry richer, and our racial, ethnic, religious, and gender identities more ambiguous. As a society we’ve become more polarized and more tolerant – and no matter what we’re like today, we’re going to be different tomorrow. Change is constant.”

In his chapter entitled “Empty Cradle Gray World” he discusses declining birthrates and introduces the term “sub-replacement-level fertility.” For a human society to replace itself, each woman must give birth to 2.1 children. Japan’s is currently 1.4. The Japanese government’s worst case scenario is that its current population of  127 million will fall to 47 million by the year 2100. I see the direct correlation of this principle in the church – congregations often have a “sub-replacement-level fertility”! Few spiritual new births, members who have been followers of Christ for decades, and then a gradual decline. In any particular church the leaders can decide to focus upon developing more, new disciples. And just as in the culture, this takes energy and effort, an outward focus and a readiness to give one’s life away. Currently the mainline churches have a sub-replacement-level spiritual fertility rate!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 16 - Forty days in the Word

Day 16  Mark 9:33-35

This passage was the text for the sermon on Sunday at Bethany’s church in Baltimore. The pastor did a very good job developing a chart, which I recorded in my small notebook. I will read it specifically with the formula prescribed by Rick Warren for this week called Spacepets, of what to look for when studying a biblical text devotionally, 

I have used a simpler formula over the years which involved: sin to confess, command to obey, promise to claim, prayer to pray. Spacepets has so many more parts, and I will utilize it this week. 

Sin of grappling for greatness.
Promise – the last shall be first
Attitude – servant (last night Colin Powell prescribed an attitude of optimism is required for leaders.)
Command – receive the least of these in Jesus’ name
Example – Jesus took a child in his arms
Prayer – Lord make me an instrument of thy peace
Error to avoid – pushing to get to the top, stepping on people in the process
Truth – serving others is God’s way, it was Jesus’ way, and it is my way.
Something to praise – Thank you Lord for this passage, reminding me of the servant role, and for the sermon I experienced on Sunday in Baltimore.

What a long and fulfilling day was yesterday! When I got home at 10 pm from the Colin Powell lecture, I sat on the couch, talked on the phone to Audrey who is visiting friends in Lynchburg, Virginia. My day began with a 7 am breakfast at the Victory Mission's Cooks' Kettle, meeting with pastors from around the York Elementary School neighborhood. I met with people all day, involving 4 different restaurants! Last night after the PPR meeting I headed to MSU to hear Colin Powell, which was a very rewarding experience.  Today my task is to write my sermon for Sunday, and to work ahead as far as possible (along with two meetings). I might even start working on my Easter Sunday sermon which will kick off a series on miracles. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 14 – Forty days in the Word

Mark 7:31-37

Having healed a Syrian woman’s daughter after she convinced him that even the dogs deserved the crumbs under the table and displayed her faith and humility, Jesus heads away from Tyre and Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and the Decapolis. “There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and who could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man.” (verse 32)

The reputation that Jesus was healing people spread quickly, and as he traveled people heard he was in their area and it spurred them to action. In this case “some people” (friends of the man?) brought him to Jesus. Often it takes the strong encouragement, even accompaniment of friends to move a person to a place where healing and wholeness is offered. A few weeks ago I had a friend strongly encourage me to telephone a famous pastor and he gave me the personal cell number. I had thought about calling this pastor, but my friend’s strong encouragement led me to do so, and a very helpful conversation ensued. These friends are similar to the friends of the lame man who lowered him down through the ceiling of a packed house in order to be near Jesus.

Jesus took this man aside, away from the crowds and ministered to him. Jesus used touch and even spit along with prayer and the command “be opened.” The man’s ears were opened and his tongue loosened, and he began to speak plainly. With the power of the living God, Jesus brought wholeness to this man. I can only imagine what this must have been like for the man, to have the son of God touch his ears, apply spit to his tongue and look up to heaven as he spoke the command “Ephphatha.” How long had he struggled with deafness? My mother lost most of her hearing as a young teenager, and struggled a lot. In her late 30s she underwent surgery with a new technology that restored most of her hearing. I remember how excited she was, and how it changed her life. This (unnamed) man receives this gift from the hand and the word of Jesus. If only we could track the rest of this man’s life, and see how it ended up!

“People were overwhelmed with amazement, ‘he has done everything well’ they said.” (37a) It was obvious to the people who were present that a miracle had occurred. They saw it, experienced it, spoke with the man and were amazed. In April and May I will preach a series of messages on “Miracles”, beginning with the resurrection, and continuing into Miracle May. I believe that in the presence of Jesus miracles occur, and when we can bring our friends into His presence, their lives will be changed for the good, with new possibilities and potential. During "Miracle May" we are asking people to give to Wesley from their financial resources Which will enable the church to pay down its debt in order to begin construction on new children's facilities that will make possible bringing more children to Jesus at Wesley!

Guide me Holy Lord as I walk with you during these 40 days, and experience the miracle of your presence and the gift of your Spirit leading my way. Use me as your shepherd this week. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 13 – Forty Days in the Word

Mark 6:45-51

Jesus sent his disciples into their boat as He stayed behind to see off the multitudes. He departed to the mountain to pray. I can picture the miraculously fed multitude departing. Did they realize the extent of this miracle? Were they reluctant to leave, thus Jesus sent his disciples away as an example? What did Jesus pray about as he went to the mountain? What was it like for the disciples to leave, not knowing what Jesus would do next, how he would get across the lake?

Jesus saw the disciples straining at the oars at about the 4th watch of the night. “He came to them, walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them. But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out; for they all saw Him and were frightened. But immediately He spoke with them and said to them, ‘Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid.’” (verses 48-50)

This incident of Jesus walking on the water is one of the most vivid of the New Testament. The disciples were stressed by the weather, and they were frightened at the sight of Him. He tells them to “take courage.” This instruction was given to Joshua, David, and so many down through the scriptures. It is needed today – courage. Jesus confirms His identity – “It is I.” Confirming the presence of God among us is vital. When the winds of adversity blow, and human effort seems ineffective, practicing the presence of God is crucial. Hearing Jesus say “it is I” to his disciples echoes down eternity, and for me in the quiet of this morning I hear Him say “Bruce, it is I” was my day dawns and the tasks at hand loom large.

Jesus got into the boat with the disciples, they were greatly astounded, “for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened.” The insight they could have gained was that God would supply their needs. They could have realized that Jesus was in the center of God’s will and was doing the work of the kingdom as He ministered. They could have realized that Jesus included the participation of the disciples in distributing the bread to involve them in the miracle, and He has their best interests at heart.

Guide me Holy Lord as I recognize Your presence in every aspect of life. Guard me from a hard heart and any lack of insight from your miracles and your provisioning. I want to see you more clearly!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 11 – Forty Days in the Word

Even as we set our clocks forward, and essentially lose an hour overnight, I got to bed early and feel rested at this extremely early hour (5 am). Last Sunday at this time I was on the phone with Bob Cassidy trying to decide whether or not to cancel church, which we eventually did and it was a great decision. That somehow makes this Sunday a little odd. Jesus’ words to the disciples after he calmed the storm in yesterday’s devotion continue to echo in my mind and speak to my heart “why are you so timid?” I will boldly proclaim the gospel this morning and lead with conviction the body of Christ called Wesley United Methodist Church in Springfield, Missouri.

Day 11 – Forty Days in the Word

Mark 5:21-43

Jesus, on the way to heal a twelve year old girl is touched by a woman with a twelve year hemorrhage. He feels power go out of him, and the woman confessed that she touched him. He states that her faith has made her well. He takes Peter and the brothers James and John into where the girl has been declared dead, speaks life to her and she gets up. I read this chapter in March of 1994, as noted in my Bible. Twenty years of ministry have transpired, and my children who were 9 and 5 are now 29 and 25. The power of Jesus to heal and give life is timeless, and I will walk in His power today.

Romans 12:1-2 (My text for today)

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Yield to God, do not give in to the world, but have your thinking renewed in order to know God’s will. Today, Lord, I yield to You, I resist the world, and my mind is shaped by your word and your spirit. Give me boldness today to minister in your name and according to your power.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 10 – Forty Days in the Word

Mark 4, especially verses 35-41.

The first 33 verses of this chapter contain Jesus’ teaching, in parables to the crowds, with explanation to his disciples. Most of the parables are agrarian. I was struck by one aspect of the familiar parable of the sower. What he is sowing is “the word.” As we spend 40 days in the word, the Wesley community is the soil being prepared and receiving what the sower has for each of us. In the midst of these parables, I remembered that I have baby plants sprouted in the basement and I need to water them. It is so easy for me to forget about them for 3-4 days, during which they can dry out. I must never go 3-4 days without God’s word watering my soul.

35-41 Jesus calms a storm – Picture it method of devotional Bible Study

After a long day of teaching the disciples took Jesus in the boat heading for the other side. I can picture the logistics of this, many of the disciples being fisherman, familiar with boats. I can picture its sail, and probably oars. There arose a fierce gale, and waves were breaking over the boat and it was filling with water. Jesus was asleep on the cushion in the stern. The son of God was also fully human, with an earthsuit that needed recharging with sleep, the same need that I have on a daily basis. The disciples roused him out of concern that they would perish. He rebuked the wind and said to the sea “Hush, be still.” The elements obeyed his word. Jesus said to his disciples “Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?” 

This question in the midst of a storm has impacted me this morning as if Jesus was in this room, speaking directly to me – Bruce, why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?  I will ponder this question all day, and into next week.   Guide me today, most holy Lord in all I do, say, prepare, plan, and confront. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 9 – Forty Days in the Word

Mark 3:1-6

“And He entered again into a synagogue; and a man was there with a withered hand.” (verse 1)
I am picturing a synagogue – the gathering place of faithful Jews who are apart from the temple in Jerusalem. It is a local expression of the Hebrew faith, with readings from the Torah, Sabbath worship, teaching and social interaction. The local church in the New Testament era resembled the synagogue in many ways. So Jesus enters again – returns to this weekly gathering. A man is present with a disability. He has a hand that is “withered.”

“And they were watching Him to see if He would heal him on the Sabbath, in order that they might accuse Him.”  (Verse 2) Jesus is clearly facing a crowd of people in which several are hostile to him, just waiting to accuse him. What a difficult place to be, where those gathered are not seeking a closer walk with God, nor listening for a word of hope, but are ready to pounce on the one who brings (and is) the Word of God.

“And He said to the man with the withered hand, ‘Rise and come forward!’” (Verse 3) Jesus calls upon the man with the disability. Did he like being singled out? Jesus is clearly heading down a path that will lead to conflict. Whether he does or does not heal this man, he has proceeded right to the center of the issue at hand.

“And He said to them, ‘Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?”  (Verse 4) Jesus always asked good questions. As a disciple of His, I need to be framing good questions to ask the community, including those are hostile, those who are neutral, and those who are supportive. When facing hostility, the normal reaction is to build one’s own case, and to become defensive. Jesus provides an example here of being confident in who He is and what he does. This question is the turning point.

“And after looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored.” (Verse 5) I am picturing what it would have been like to be present and to witness Jesus expressing anger in the way he looked at people. He is typically not portrayed with anger in His eyes. I can just imagine what this was like!

“And the Pharisees went out and immediately began taking counsel with the Herodians against Him, as to how they might destroy Him.” This points to the beginning of the religious leaders’ intentional plot to eliminate Jesus. They were stuck in the past, upholding the law. They could not see what God was doing in the present.

May I always be open to what God is doing now, and carefully guard against any internal resistance to what God is beginning to do through someone else, even if they do not have the proper credentials!!!!

Guide me today, most holy Lord in all I say, do, think, plan and with all the people with whom I come into contact.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 8 - Forty days in the Word

Mark 1, especially verses 40-45

Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist, and a voice “came out of the heavens: ‘you are my beloved Son, in you I am well-pleased.” The Spirit then impelled Him to go out into the wilderness, where he was tempted for 40 days. John was arrested, and Jesus “came into Galilee preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

The rest of the first chapter of Mark describes the ministry of Jesus, including His calling the first disciples, casting out demons, healing Peter’s mother-in-law. Verses 40 – 45 describe His healing of a leper. Using the “picture it” method of devotional Bible Study I will put myself into this story.

“A leper came to Him”   This man who had been certified with a contagious and often fatal skin disease had heard about the healing power of Jesus, and took initiative to come to Jesus. As a leper, he was unclean, and anyone who touched him would become unclean. He took a huge risk, of being rejected, sent away, etc. We do not know how long he had been a leper, but he started out healthy like most people. I have come down with a cold these last few days, and I know I am contagious, and my sneezing and runny nose are a nuisance. Having a cold is nothing compared to leprosy. If there were a remedy for the common cold, I would go there.

The leper fell down before Jesus – he recognized the power and the authority in the person of Jesus

“If You are willing, You can make me clean.” The leper believed in what Jesus could do, and appealed to his generosity.

“And moved with compassion” Jesus was motivated, moved, with compassion – the sense of feeling another’s pain and struggle that motivates a desire to help. I am picturing the compassion of Jesus, not only toward this leper, but toward all people, even toward me, with this cold. I desire to grow in my own capacity to be moved with compassion (and always to avoid compassion fatigue.)

“I am willing, be cleansed.” Jesus states His willingness to heal, and then speaks the healing. This is a clear picture of the ministry of the savior, face to face with suffering, filled with compassion, speaking the words “be cleansed”.

There is more to this story, and I can picture it but have come to the end of my time for journaling. It is now on to the office for a day of pastoral servant leadership and ministry. Guide me holy Lord today as I follow you, filled with compassion. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 7 – Forty Days in the Word

Philippians 4:14-23, especially the verse for this day:

“My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

The apostle Paul has affirmed in verse 13 that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him, and then he continues: “Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction.” The participation of the Philippian believers in supporting the apostle was God’s way of supplying his needs. Paul observes that in supporting the work of Christ, the church and the individuals benefit through what is given. Paul describes this benefit in verse 17 “Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.”

I will apply the “Pronounce it” method of devotional Bible Study to verse 19:

My God – Paul personalizes his relationship with God. He does not say “the God of my fathers”, or “the higher power”, or the “god of the universe” but he claims his position in Christ and with Christ affirms his personal relationship to God.

Will – future tense helping verb

Meet – supply, match, provide

All – not just some, not most, but all

Your needs – not your wants, not your excesses, but your needs, what you truly require. I have discovered that people who find themselves in tight places realize that their needs are so different that what they thought they were when everything was plenteous and there was abundance.

According to – based upon, in direct relationship with

His glorious riches – the resources of God are available for God to use in meeting my needs. The Almighty owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalms 50:10). God is not limited by lack of resources.

In Christ Jesus – God is one, and the Son of God rules heaven and earth! The riches of God in Christ Jesus are abundant, tangible and real.

This verse reminds me that as I pursue the will of God, from the riches in Christ Jesus all of my needs will be provided. This gives me hope, guards me from worry, positions me with joy, and confirms that as I step forward in faith, God will provide what is needed.

Thank you most holy Lord for this promise, for this reality, for this insight from the life of your servant Paul. Thank you for your servant George Mueller who trusted you completely in his care for orphans in England. May it be borne out in the life of your servant Bruce Baxter today and everyday.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 6 - Forty Days in the Word

I am up early (3:30 am) on the first day of March. There is a lot to think about with the winter storm approaching and its impact on Sunday worship and also the Board of Ordained Ministry interviews in Columbia on Monday and Tuesday. For my devotions this morning I will continue to follow Rick Warren's suggestions in his workbook for Forty Days in the Word. Today is day 6.
Philippians 4:8-13

Things to think about: whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, anything excellent and anything worthy of praise (verse 8). This is a great verse, with exceptional power to impact the thought-life of the Christ-follower.

Especially verse 13 “I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me.

Using the “pronounce it” method of Bible meditation:

I – Bruce Baxter

Can – it is possible

Do – action, not spectator, not watch, but do!

All – inclusive, total, lacking nothing

Things – everything, not imaginary but real

Through – not on my own

Him (Christ) – the key, the Way, the Truth, the Life

Who – not me

Strengthens – makes stronger, provides muscle, insures energy, fortitude, gumption

Me – Bruce Baxter

Given all that lies ahead, I need to be strengthened through Christ as I am in Christ seeking to do the will of God, build the kingdom of God, serve the purposes of God, plant the seeds of God, reap the harvest of God, prepare for eternity with God.

Today, Saturday March 1 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Psalm 44:1-26 (One Year Bible for March 1)

This Psalm is attributed to “the sons of Korah”. It reflects upon the work God did in the “days of old” driving out the nations. “For by their own sword  they did not possess the land; and their own arm did not save them; but Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy presence, for Thou didst favor them.” (Psalm 44:3 NASB)

This understanding of God’s role in the time of Joshua and the conquest of the promised land fits well with the verse from Philippians “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”  The Psalmist continues “You are my King, O God; … for I will not trust in my bow, nor will my sword save me. But You have saved us from our adversaries, … in God we have boasted all day long, and we will give thanks to Your name forever.”   Yes!!!! It is in the strength of God, in the power of God flowing through obedient servants that great things are done. Sometimes this is the occupying of the Promised Land, sometimes this is standing up to evil even to the death (like Bonhoeffer). I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and though some trust in chariots, and some in horses, I will remember the name of the Lord my God!!!

Guide me today, most Holy One who strengthens me. In every conversation, every decision, every initiative, I am yours. It is not through my sword, or my computer or my phone, but your power that will accomplish your purposes through my life today. Bless the conversation over coffee this morning, and all that flows through this first day of March, in the face of a strong winter storm approaching tomorrow in the Ozarks.