Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010

4-30-10 Friday, 10:00 am Pastor’s office

I have the morning to work on my sermon, then I will head out with pastors and spouses for lunch and a show. I have visited three folks in the hospital, including a couple in labor and delivery – today we might have a new baby in the church! Guide me Holy Lord as I prepare your word for Sunday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

4-28-10 Wednesday, 6:49 am Grayrock 41 degrees.

It has been a couple of days since I have been able to write and reflect in this journal. Monday we stayed in O’Fallon and I did not have internet access. Yesterday I had a breakfast meeting after being up late unloading the trailer after a funeral visit. Today I am fairly rested and ready for this day with its opportunities and challenges.

My breakfast yesterday with Daryl Eldridge was most interesting. He has founded a new seminary, completely web-based. We discussed many aspects of this work, including my dissertation which he read and encouraged me to summarize into an article, perhaps for an online publication. I might do this. I need to also contact John Whitesel, author of Growth by Accident, Death by Planning, and professor at Indiana Wesleyan, as they work to get an M. Div. program accredited and acceptable to the University Senate of the United Methodist Church. He expressed an interest in my teaching an online course for them.

Reading Judges has always inspired me. My favorite type of literature is biography, and most of the book of Judges is biography. Guide me as I read today holy Lord.

Judges 8:18-9:57
The rest of the story of Gideon and his sons. This is a tragic account of greed, jealousy and corruption. How many times has this been repeated down through human history, and how many more times will it be perpetuated? I recognize that I need to be aware and careful to confront evil in all its forms, and to trust completely in the One whose kingdom is coming. Guide my actions, thoughts, and leadership on this day, holy Lord.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

4-25-10 Sunday, 5:53 am Grayrock, 52 degrees, cloudy

Storms continued to develop throughout the day yesterday. All day long I was thanking God for the beautiful weather last weekend, allowing for the Wesley mission blitz, and thankful that this weekend’s storms did not develop last week. This morning I am looking forward to a “regular” worship service at Wesley. Our United Methodist Women will celebrate their work, and the principal from Jerrett middle school will share greetings and thanks.

My message this morning as I begin my Crime Scenes in the Bible is from Gen. 4, the murder of Abel by his brother. My main focus is that it springs from the heart, he was told to guard his heart because sin is lurking at the door. David prayed for a new heart, and baby Audrey got a new heart by transplant on Thursday. Guide us all today holy Lord, as your word is proclaimed and each of us has the opportunity to respond.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010

4-24-10 Saturday, 5:39 am Grayrock, 61 degrees, cloudy.

My lunch yesterday in Kansas City with a widely published pastor was an enriching experience. We discussed preaching, writing, leadership, advertising and staffing. I am refreshed and refocused as a result. I have awakened early and will write on my sermon until it is time to leave for UMM. The rest of this day I have available for preparation, pastoral care, exercise and probably lawn mowing, if the ground dries up.

I just caught a little of Baxter Black, a cowboy poet who was on the Farm Report just now on NBC. Nashville did not want his songs, so he turned his verse into poetry, and is now a humorist. Last night I started reading Thoreau’s Walden, given to me by Audrey as a birthday present this week, and the introduction is fascinating. The biographical notes set the context of his work, and describe the reception he had in his lifetime, compared to the acclaim his works have developed over time.

Judges 2:10 – 3:31
Israel has the tendency to decline, experience defeat, be sent a deliverer, and return to God’s way. This pattern is also prevalent in the church. Wesley commented on this passage and referred to backsliding. This might be a good topic for a stand-alone sermon this spring. The notes in the Wesley study Bible are informative on this topic.

The problem of the Israelites involved the surrounding nations who worshipped Baal and did not follow Yahweh. What are the gods worshipped by the “nations” of today? I think it involves things that appeal to us – houses, cars, motorcycles, and ultimately the love of money as a source of security, hope and future in place of the love of God. Guide me Lord as I live into and through this understanding. I certainly must address this topic regularly in my preaching(once a year?).

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23, 2010

4-23-10 Friday, 6:42 am Grayrock, 61 degrees, cloudy, storms looming

Today I drive to Kansas City to have lunch with a pastor. I have been looking forward to this conversation for some time. Afterward I will either return home or head to St. Louis. I might delay my trip to St. Louis until Sunday evening/Monday, the final packing up of belongings at Greenbough before the closing on Tuesday.

Judges 1:1 – 2:9
Joshua has died. The Israelites continue to occupy and conquer the promised land. Tribe after tribe “failed to drive out the ______” and then those folks were a thorn in their side. This seems to be a good description of the regions of Palestine today – people living in great tension with one another. God appeared to the people through an angel, who went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said “…. You disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.” (Judges 2:2b-3).

Life is complicated. People struggle in so many ways to serve God, to obey God, and to live in peace. Guide me today Lord as I seek to be your servant.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010

4-22-10 Thursday, 7:42 am Grayrock, raining.

For 54 years now this date has contained the numbers of my birth. April 22 rings with the familiarity of identity, family, history, and future. This is the first birthday on which I have been married more than half my life to the wonderful Audrey Holmgren Baxter, the second birthday for which the one who bore me is not alive, and the first birthday for which I have a daughter in law (whose text this morning was my first birthday greeting!) I am thankful for my family, my church and my God whom I serve with joy.

Josh 24:1-33
Verse 15c …but as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Yes, this is my desire and commitment also. Guide me Lord as I guide others and their families to serve you. This might be a great verse and theme to expound on Mother’s day, perhaps combined with the study of Lydia, seller of purple and converted in Philippi. The Wesleyan Study Bible has a box about “free will” connected with this chapter in Joshua, describing the human condition as free to choose whom and what we will serve. Yes Lord! I choose to serve you today, this year, and for the rest of my life on earth.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

4-20-10 Tuesday, 6:42 am Tan Tar A. – Clear, 50 degrees.

I am rested and ready for this day. Bishop Schnase spoke to us yesterday about the state of the conference, about managing change, and about his new book. I stated that I was excited about getting it in San Antonio, and he asked me how I liked chapter 4. I did not have a good answer, even though he was joking. After our session I ran for 40 minutes around this property. Last night I read chapter 4, and could give a book report today!

This morning Ron Watts and I will share breakfast, and then Brad Kalajainen will share with us about his experiences growing a church plant to over 2000 in weekly worship.

Genesis 4
I will use Cain and Abel as my first “Crime Scenes of the Bible” (CSIB). I will consider the implications of Cain’s heart, his sacrifice, his murderous actions, the consequences, and the lessons we can learn. Thank you Lord for this section.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

4-18-10 Sunday, 6:29 am Springfield, 39 degrees, birds singing, sky clear, a beautiful day.

God has blessed us with a wonderful day to continue our mission blitz and celebrate with an outdoor worship service at 5:00 pm. I proposed this idea last summer, and we have been planning toward it. I will preach a simple message about scattering seeds from Mat 13, and we will ask people to share their experiences with seeing God at work this weekend.

Mat 12 – 13
Jesus’ disciples pick grain on the Sabbath – when accused by Pharisees he states that “the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.” He heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, and then proceeds to teach about the kingdom of God. His mother and brothers come for him while he is surrounded by crowds and he responds “whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” This statement kindles in me an increased desire to “do the will” of the father.

For me today, doing the will of the father involves cleaning up trash and closing up the Rockin Ribs barbeque festival at Bass Pro, and then preaching and leading worship outside for up to 1000 people at Wesley. I love doing God’s will, and intend to throw myself into this work, beginning with getting to Wesley around 7:30 to check on details and pray.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17, 2010

4-17-10 Saturday, 6:19 am Grayrock, Springfield, 52 degrees, partly cloudy.

It is so good to be home. Audrey and I arrived home last night at 7:30 from San Antonio. The Large Church Initiative was a very helpful conference, and worth the 5 days invested. The main topic was “Making Decisions that Make Disciples”, and the University UMC in San Antonio, a 5600 member congregation was a great host, providing solid examples of ministry. Today I plan to write a summary of my learnings, and a list of steps to follow up. I have been out of the routine of posting my journal daily to my blog, and am glad to be back in familiar surroundings and with a routine that allows daily postings.

Today is the beginning of our Mission Blitz. We have been planning this for 9 months. Tomorrow we step outside of the box and postpone worship until 5:00 pm, in order to connect with the community. This is quiet an adventure, and I appreciate the work of so many who are leading and coordinating this effort. My faith in the power and presence of God grows with each event such as this. I will start at the church, supporting the “mission central” coordination group, and then proceed to visit several sites. I will work on my sermon for several hours today, exercise, and prepare for tomorrow. Guide my steps Holy Lord as I walk into this day. Feed my soul as I turn to your word this morning.

Joshua 3-4 (I have fallen a little behind “The One Year Bible” reading schedule. I will read through Joshua and catch up the 10 chapters this weekend.)

God does a “new thing” through Joshua, confirming his leadership and stopping the flow of the Jordan river. Twelve stones are extracted from the middle of the river to remind future generations of this work of God. I must constantly be open to the new things God is doing in this generation, and be “strong and courageous” to lead with faith and hope. “Brian McLaren’s new book A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions that are Transforming the Faith suggests that the old institution of the church may be preparing to give birth to a new sense of what it means to follow Christ” (UM Reporter, 4-16-10). I have had this sense for some time, cannot yet picture what it might involve, and I am willing to be used however God may choose in this birth process.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12, 2010

4-12-10 Monday, 10:37 am DFW airport, en route to San Antonio

Audrey and I are flying to conference in San Antonio for United Methodist Pastors of Large Churches. I have heard about this LCI (Large Church Initiative) for 20 years, but have not attended one. I hope to glean from the presenters, and to identify a few churches in the 1500 – 2000 weekly attendance range to learn from. I also hope to discern what I might be able to teach pastors who aspire to reach 1000 in weekly worship. Next week I gather with pastors from Missouri of large churches to visit with our bishop and Brad Kalejainen (from Michigan). I wish these two meetings were not back to back.

Sunday was another great day of worship and gathering at Wesley. The MSU symphonic band played at all 4 services, and we confirmed 32 youth who have professed faith in Christ. I preached on 3:17 “The Numbers of Promise”, emphasizing the promised new covenant of Jeremiah, and the promise of “no condemnation” of John 3:17 and Rom 8:1. Preaching continues to be a humbling task, as God uses my preparation and limited abilities to accomplish His will and purposes. Guide me as we head to this huge Mission Blitz weekend, and the combined worship service at 5:00.

1:24 pm Somewhere in the air between Dallas and San Antonio

The trip has been smooth so far. I see another pastor from Missouri 4 rows ahead of me. Audrey and I had a very nice lunch in the airport. I am out of reading material for the rest of this flight, so I will explore and learn more about this laptop.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

4-11-10 Sunday, 5:33 am Grayrock

I am looking forward to all that lies ahead this morning. Preaching on “3:17 The Numbers of Promise” I will continue to expound the gospel, the Easter message of resurrection and the promises of God for new life. Today at 11 we have the confirmation class joining and all the joy and celebration around this.

It is such a privilege and a responsibility to bring God’s word to people on a weekly basis. I fully expect and have come to rely upon God’s Holy Spirit to anoint the Word and the hearers as I speak. My sense of inadequacy can almost be overwhelming. Today, Lord, I go in the light of your grace and mercy with your Word and your promise.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10, 2010

April 10, 2010, Saturday, Springfield, 52 degrees, sunny,

Deut 34 – Josh 2:24 (The One Year Bible) I have been looking forward to this passage for a while.

Moses ascends Mt. Nebo, to the top of Pisgah and God shows him the promised land. Moses dies and is buried in a valley in the land of Moab. When he died, “his sight was unimpaired and his vigor had not abated.” Supreme court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement this week as he approaches his 90th birthday. I hope that my strength is unabated into my 9th decade as I serve God with all my strength.

Joshua, Moses longtime assistant, is commissioned by God to lead the people. His instructions from God include (verse 8) “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful.” This charge has motivated me to daily scripture meditation and careful obedience since 1974. Lord I pray that I might increase my love for your word and my attention to obeying it in every way, and teaching others to do the same.

Tomorrow we confirm 33 young people in the faith. I have the privilege of asking them the questions of faith, and laying my hands upon them one by one. May each of them grow as strong as Joshua in their faith and service to God in their generation.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010

4-9-10 Friday, 5:38 am Grayrock, 36 degrees, light frost, clear with quarter moon.

Having planted flowers on Monday, Audrey and I are very conscious of the weather. We covered our plants last night because of the frost warning, and this morning the frost has settled in. The birds around here start singing around 4:45 now – do they arise earlier as the sunrise creeps earlier every day?

Deut 33 – Moses blesses the people of Israel before his death

Tribe by tribe he blesses them, communicating God’s love and mercy. (The tribe of Simeon is missing for some reason). He concludes in verse 29 “Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, the shield of your help, and the sword of your triumph!” Having shared some time with Dan Sered from Israel, I am more conscious of Israel as a people and God’s shield. Dan’s father served in the Israeli army in all its wars from 1967 on. Dan and I discussed the church as the new Israel, and he does not agree. I must do some more thinking on this.

I am looking forward to reading Joshua. We begin tomorrow with this book. My Wesleyan Bible has a good introduction which I just read, whetting my appetite for this book. Today I have significant time to devote to preparing my sermon for Sunday “3:17 – the numbers of promise”. I will refer to Joshua’s leading the community into the promised land as part of our heritage and our hope.

Last night I read some more background information on Robert Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence and Lila. One note said he wrote his first book over 4 years, mostly between 2 am and 6 am daily before his regular job as a technical writer. I am always interested in the practical routines of writers, how they accomplish their writings. I continue to feel called to write for publication, but with no deadlines I have not established a routine to do so. Guide me Lord as I invest this day in the work of your kingdom.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8, 2010

4-8-10 Thursday, 7:49 am Grayrock, sunny, 38 degrees.

It looks like tonight will be the last frost, and we will cover the tender flowers we planted on Monday. I have a slower start this morning, with prayer with two pastors at 9:00. My body is still lethargic, even as my mind begins to anticipate God’s word for today.

Deut 32:28-52

Moses finishes his song in which the warnings of disobedience and God’s judgement is very clear. God commands Moses to go up mount Nebo which rises opposite Jericho. He will get to see the promised land, but not journey there, because of his disobedience at the waters of Meribah, where he and Aaron failed to demonstrate God’s holiness to the people when they demanded water. Lord, Guard me from ever failing to demonstrate your holiness among the people I serve. Guide me as I live a life of holiness unto you, with authenticity and integrity.

“Holiness unto the Lord” is carved in wood above the stage in the Asbury College auditorium, and holiness is a strong emphasis in Wilmore among both the college and the seminary. Holiness is referred to here at the end of Deuteronomy. For religious people, it is all too easy to try to fake holiness, or make it external as did the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day. In this generation those who are “legalistic”, mandating certain external behavior fall into this trap. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who ignore the call to holy living and whose lives are no different than their neighbors who do not live for God. I desire to live a balanced, transparent life in which the holiness and awe of God is evident as I guard against an external, religious, showy legalism.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7, 2010

4-7-10 Wednesday, 6:38 am Grayrock, 63 degrees and raining.

Deut 31-32:27 Moses’ final speech, and a song he wrote in one day and taught the Israelites. God tells him to commission Joshua with the words “be strong and courageous…” Moses is concerned that the people will turn away from God and worship the false gods of the people around them once they occupy the promised land.

11:07 am Pastor’s Office

Beginning with an early breakfast meeting with another pastor, and including a time of prayer here at Wesley and counseling with a member I am ready to post this entry. My day has more appointments than is typical, and I look forward to each person and group with whom I will interact today. Guide me Lord as a pastor and leader of this faith community.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010

4-6-10 Tuesday, 6:55 am Grayrock, 65 degrees with wind advisories posted.

Audrey and I worked outside most of the day yesterday, as I brought in ½ yard of topsoil, and ½ yard of mulch. Geraniums now adorn our front garden, and I am feeling the effects of a day behind the wheelbarrow. It was fulfilling to work hard on this project and to stand back and see the good results.

Last night Duke beat Butler in a close game for the national title. It could have gone either way. And, yesterday was the opening day game for the St. Louis Cardinals, as they beat Cincinnati on Albert’s two homeruns and Molina’s grand slam. Now to turn my attention to the Word, and the present work of the Holy Spirit in these days immediately following Easter.

Deut 29:1 – 30:20
29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children forever, to observe all the words of the law.” This verse contains mystery and clarity. God has revealed to us through his word so much of his will and purposes and design for our lives. These two chapters of Deuteronomy, just prior to the Israelites entering the promised land, and at the end of Moses’ leadership have great implications for the faith communities of this generation.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010

4-5-10 Monday, 5:59 am Grayrock, 64 degrees, clear

Ahh, the “7th” day in my schedule. Having worked long and hard during holy week and Easter weekend, today is unscheduled and my Sabbath. Bethany is back in Los Angelos, David and Danelle are back in O’Fallon, and the house is quiet. It will be a good day for reading, yard work, rest, and recreation.

Deut 28

A chapter of promised blessings for obedience to God, and severe warnings against disobedience. God is serious about his word to the Israelites. This chapter reminds me to pour myself into obeying God’s word out of my love for him, and the opportunities I have to teach and deliver God’s word to others.

Luke 11:14-36

Jesus is accused of casting out demons by the power of Beelzubub, the chief demon. He warns that a house divided can not stand (the Kentucky state motto). He states that Jonah is the sign given to all. I plan to preach a short series on Jonah this year – maybe in May or June.

This day, as every day I am your servant. Use me to accomplish your will on this first Monday in April.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, Easter Sunday, 2010

4-4-10 Easter Morning 5:19 am 54 degrees, clear

At 2:25 am I heard the yelping of coyotes in the James river basin a mile and a half to our south. At 4:56 the birds began to sing and I realized that I was rested enough to arise. This morning our theme is “3:16, the numbers of Hope” I am looking forward to this Easter resurrection celebration, beginning with the youth service outside right at sunrise, and continuing throughout the morning. Guide me Holy Lord as I lead this community today in living out the numbers of hope, believing in Jesus the Christ and living fully the good news.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

4-3-10 Saturday, 8:21 am Grayrock, 48 degrees.

Last night we had two great Good Friday services, at 7 and 9. The purpose was to feel the suffering and the darkness of the crucifixion which was accomplished both in the sanctuary and the gym. This morning the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Easter Saturday is in full bloom. Tonight I have the privilege of baptizing and renewing the vows of 30+ youth. Lord prepare me ….

Luke 10:13-37 (Reading from Greek-English Interlinear version)
Jesus discusses the receptivity of Capernaum, Chorazin and Bethsaida and compares it to Tyre and Sidon. This reminds me of the specifics of place and time, and the variety of responses to God of a given people. My hope is for Springfield, and those influenced by the ministries of Wesley to be fully responsive to God’s grace and mercy.

A religious leader tests Jesus with the question “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus asks him about what the scripture says, and he responds “Love the Lord your God from all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus commends him saying “do this and you will live”. The scholar pushes him further, wanting to justify himself “who is my neighbor?” To this question Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan.

Guide me today Lord as I seek to love you from all my heart, with all my soul, strength and mind, and to love those around me as myself, on this day of Easter preparation.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday, 2010

4-2-10 Good Friday, 7:14 am Grayrock, 64 degrees, cloudy.

Thunderstorms are predicted today, beginning in the afternoon. How often it happens on Good Friday, that the sky darkens and thunder rolls. David and Danelle will be driving in from St. Louis today. We have the Easter bulletins to finish, and the two Good Friday services tonight.

Luke 9:51 -10:12
Jesus resolutely sets out for Jerusalem. Several potential followers, who first want to take care of other business are dismissed. Jesus says “anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.” Perseverance and faith with one’s eye on the prize of God’s kingdom is Jesus’ teaching.

He chose 72 and sent them out ahead to the towns he planned to visit. He gave them clear instructions, and the promise that the Lord is in charge of the harvest (10:2). Tolstoy seemed to wrestle with this concept, and at the age of 82 walked away from his home, his family, his wealth, only to get sick and die within a few weeks. Interpreting this chapter and rightly applying it to one’s life is critical to being a fruitful follower (disciple) of Christ.

Psalm 74
The writer wonders that God would allow their enemies to destroy the temple, and mock the power of God. There are no prophets, and the writer wonders how long God will be silent. In Verse 12 he affirms that God is his king from ages past, and recounts the mighty acts of God evidenced in nature.

Guide me holy Lord today as I walk in faith through this day of remembering your suffering and death on the cross. You are my King, and I will praise you and serve you without looking back. Pastoring this faithful flock called Wesley UMC is a great calling, especially as we increasingly seek to reach out, bridging with the Springfield regional community.