Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013

This coming Sunday is Pentecost. I invite you to wear red to the Sunday worship services, representing the flames of fire that fell from heaven upon the gathered believers, seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus. This past Sunday I spoke about reflecting the glory of God - the manifestation and revelation of His love in the radiance of His power and splendor. Truly it is God’s Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity through whom His love and power are demonstrated to the world today.

There are seasons when the body of Christ disregards the power of the Holy Spirit. In every generation there are those who experience God’s power, and become His beacons. John Wesley said that if you “Catch on fire others will love to come watch you burn.” Father Dennis Bennett experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in 1960 and a generation was shaped by the Charismatic Movement. His spiritual autobiography, Nine O’clock in the Morning is a great devotional read.

As a church we are well positioned to be used by God in ever widening circles. As a people who have been saved by grace and empowered by His Spirit, let us place ourselves before His throne daily to receive His direction and His instructions.

Leviticus 27

The final chapter! Even as it was tedious to read through this book in my morning devotions, it was a good exercise and I benefitted in a renewed sense of God’s instructions to His people who would form a new country and begin an era. Living in this generation I devote each day, every activity, all my possessions to His Lordship. My work as pastor has similarities with the priesthood and also with the leaders who assisted Moses. The church has a sanctuary similar to the tabernacle, and God’s presence is with His people.

Falling Upward pp 73-81 Rohr refers to Einstein and his search for a “unifying field” and Rohr describes the Roman Catholic Church as his unifying field. Each night I am reading the biography of Einstein that Bethany gave me for Christmas. I have been considering his search for a unifying field, and am amazed that I read a reference to it in my devotions!

Guide me Holy Lord as I live this finite day to your unlimited glory. May the investment of my energy and initiative be wholly according to your will and purposes. Guard me in every way from selfishness and any false sense of importance. 

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