Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5, 2013

I have arisen at 4:15, rested and ready for the day. The coconut coffee is extra tasty this morning. I have been reading an article in the Sunday News Leader which is a follow up to the February 23 murder of two young children and the suicide of their mother in Springfield. The gist of the article is about the restrictions placed upon DFS which requires a “preponderance of evidence” in order to remove a child from the home. Though this mother had episodic outbursts, there was not sufficient evidence to remove the children. This reminds me of the role that the church and Christ-followers can play in the everyday lives of children and families – a role of encouragement, partnership, and awareness.

Yesterday I attended the funeral service for Jim Combs, whose obituary is also in the Sunday News Leader. He was a man of great accomplishment as a Bible teacher, pastor, editor and innovative leader. I only knew him in the last few years, as a man of great encouragement. Daily I desire to live my life before God that is obedient and fruitful for the kingdom.

Numbers 13

God instructs Moses to send 12 spies into the Promised Land, which he does. They bring back a report of luscious crops and strong, large people living in walled cities. Caleb encourages the people to go at once to take the land. The other spies (except Joshua) argue against taking the land, pointing out the problems.

This is a classic episode in the history of God’s people. The trust placed in these 12 men is huge. As they experienced the weight of their influence, they eventually came down on the side of caution. This chapter simply tells the story of their spy mission. Later chapters will interpret their conclusions. This morning I am conscious of their lack of trust in God, and the manner in which they allowed obstacles to overwhelm their progress.

I am in a completely different time and place from these twelve. And where I am living, there is opportunity for great faith, obedience and courage. I must daily identify what this is, and how I can be part of God’s working among us. I must be careful to avoid attitude of the 10 spies, caution, doubt, lack of vision, and daily adopt the attitude of Caleb and Joshua – let’s move forward, God is with us.

Areas in my realm of influence –
                          Children’s ministry space and Auditorium for Wesley
                          Downtown ministry footprint – college age worship service
                          Recruiting and training younger pastors
                          Spiritual formation of pastors and kingdom builders
                          Family development of assets and opportunities

Guide me today, most Holy Lord as I scout and live the life of faith to which you have called me. Guard me against being timid or reticent about moving forward at Your direction. Help me to live faithfully, even among naysayers and those who cannot see what You are up to.

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