Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

I awoke as the lightning and thunder interrupted the quiet of the night. After the storm subsided, the first lone bird began singing at 4:46. Now there is a chorus of various avian voices. Brandon Beck tells us on KY3 that this is the precursor to a day of thunderstorms, and temperatures will fall sharply tonight into tomorrow. Our Wesley staff will spend several hours together today on an outing, and I look forward to what Pastor Mi Hyeon has planned. Yesterday five of us visited a new United Methodist Church in St. Louis called The Gathering, and learned about some of the ways they approach ministry. 

Numbers 7-10 (The Chronological Bible includes these chapters of Numbers following the close of Exodus, continuing the account of the Tabernacle)

In these 4 chapters there are recorded many aspects of God’s instructions for His people concerning the tabernacle, the sacrifices, the service of Levites, etc. Levites are dedicated to God as the substitutes for the firstborn of every Israelite family. They are to serve from age 25 to age 50, when they are required to retire. They may still assist after 50. Moses received instruction from God from the mercy seat which covered the ark in the holy of Holies. From there he heard God’s voice. The Passover was to be celebrated on the 14th day of the first month. If a person was unclean on that day, or travelling, they could celebrate the Passover on the 14th day of the second month. But if a person skipped celebrating the Passover on the 14th day of the first month, even though available and ceremonially clean, he was to be banished from the people. A severe way to insure complete participation.

Guide me today, most Holy Lord as I serve You and lead the people to whom You have appointed me as pastor. May I invest myself in the individuals on staff as I participate in this staff outing. Use my gifts and experience as I follow Your lead on this April Wednesday. 

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