Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

Late yesterday afternoon Audrey and I spent two hours outside removing the Christmas lights. The temperature was in the 50s and the work was very pleasant. This was a year in which we really enjoyed the lights, and though it was a chore to take them down, it was very fulfilling. When the rain started about 8 pm, I was glad that we had essentially finished the work. There are just a few more strands on some of the low front bushes.

Genesis 12 – 14

The chapters describe the wonderings of Abram as he obeys God by leaving his family in Haran and travelling south into what would become Israel. He is forced into Egypt by a famine, and lies about Sarai. He tells the Egyptians she is his sister and gives her as wife to Pharaoh. When Egypt is struck with plagues, they discover she is Abram’s wife and send them all away. Abram and Sarai journey back into the land of Canaan.

These chapters remind me of the importance of following the visions God gives. I must continue to be open to and act upon visions God has given me. I believe He still directs the steps of his servants, giving us the option to obey or ignore his leading. As we prayed in the Covenant prayer, I am serious about surrendering to God’s will and purpose, whatever that means. Guide me today, most holy Lord.

1 comment:

  1. You are ahead of us! I decided to leave the lights on one more night so the VanDewege girls could see them. So now it is raining and who knows when they will come down!
