Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 14 – Forty days in the Word

Mark 7:31-37

Having healed a Syrian woman’s daughter after she convinced him that even the dogs deserved the crumbs under the table and displayed her faith and humility, Jesus heads away from Tyre and Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and the Decapolis. “There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and who could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man.” (verse 32)

The reputation that Jesus was healing people spread quickly, and as he traveled people heard he was in their area and it spurred them to action. In this case “some people” (friends of the man?) brought him to Jesus. Often it takes the strong encouragement, even accompaniment of friends to move a person to a place where healing and wholeness is offered. A few weeks ago I had a friend strongly encourage me to telephone a famous pastor and he gave me the personal cell number. I had thought about calling this pastor, but my friend’s strong encouragement led me to do so, and a very helpful conversation ensued. These friends are similar to the friends of the lame man who lowered him down through the ceiling of a packed house in order to be near Jesus.

Jesus took this man aside, away from the crowds and ministered to him. Jesus used touch and even spit along with prayer and the command “be opened.” The man’s ears were opened and his tongue loosened, and he began to speak plainly. With the power of the living God, Jesus brought wholeness to this man. I can only imagine what this must have been like for the man, to have the son of God touch his ears, apply spit to his tongue and look up to heaven as he spoke the command “Ephphatha.” How long had he struggled with deafness? My mother lost most of her hearing as a young teenager, and struggled a lot. In her late 30s she underwent surgery with a new technology that restored most of her hearing. I remember how excited she was, and how it changed her life. This (unnamed) man receives this gift from the hand and the word of Jesus. If only we could track the rest of this man’s life, and see how it ended up!

“People were overwhelmed with amazement, ‘he has done everything well’ they said.” (37a) It was obvious to the people who were present that a miracle had occurred. They saw it, experienced it, spoke with the man and were amazed. In April and May I will preach a series of messages on “Miracles”, beginning with the resurrection, and continuing into Miracle May. I believe that in the presence of Jesus miracles occur, and when we can bring our friends into His presence, their lives will be changed for the good, with new possibilities and potential. During "Miracle May" we are asking people to give to Wesley from their financial resources Which will enable the church to pay down its debt in order to begin construction on new children's facilities that will make possible bringing more children to Jesus at Wesley!

Guide me Holy Lord as I walk with you during these 40 days, and experience the miracle of your presence and the gift of your Spirit leading my way. Use me as your shepherd this week. 

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