Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15, 2012

Micah chapter 6 contains the verse (8) that inspires my next three sermons. It is a great moral question, and a powerfully clear, concise answer. “What does the Lord require of you – but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” My theme is “how to walk humbly with God during an election year.” The context of Micah 6:8 is a prophet who ministered from 740 until 703, speaking against the capitals and leaders of both Israel and Judah. They did took advantage of the poor, they worshipped false gods, and did not obey the God of their fathers. These prophetic words can be applied down through the ages to all generations of leaders. My hope is to be faithful and clear in my ministry to worship God completely, care for the poor, and to walk humbly, with strength and integrity all my days. Guide me most holy Lord on this rainy day in the Ozarks. Use me as I serve on the board of ordained ministry to encourage new pastors, protect me as I travel (thank you for preserving me last night on the motorcycle when the car pulled out on that rainy street!) and continue to prepare me to deliver your message tomorrow to your people who gather at Wesley. We need the rain that is gently falling this morning! I seeded the lawn last weekend and I am glad for the moisture, yesterday and today. My trip to Columbia this morning will not be on the motorcycle, but I will take the car. I am looking forward to this meeting with all members of all conference teams. I will lead the BOM over lunch with a get acquainted session. Yesterday I received the digital video camera which I ordered from Woot, an Everio made by JVC and so far I am very pleased with its $89 price tag, and its factory reconditioning. It records onto a 32 gb SD card. I will continue to record family events etc, and make ministry videos. Technology marches on so rapidly. My approach is not to stay right on the cutting edge, but just back far enough to get good value pricewise, while staying current with my abilities to use the latest advances in phones, computers, cameras etc. I am holding off getting a tablet, which might be my next foray into technology.

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