Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee ( Psalm 42, verse 1, KJV from memory) Verse 2: “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God?” These first two verses of this Psalm remind me of the human longing to connect with God, and my own personal desire to walk with God every day of my life. In October I will be preaching a series of messages entitled “Thirsting for More” and these two verses summarize the series. My weekly themes will be thirsting for more of God through prayer, through worship, through generosity, through serving, and through telling the story. It seems that there are many aspects to thirsting, and to finding that which quenches. Last night I was reading Mark Twain’s autobiography and he was describing the writing process, and that most stories tell themselves, and he usually has to take a break in the middle. He said that while writing Tom Sawyer he had to set it down for 2 years, his tank was empty and it needed to fill back up, which it did, and the story finished itself through his pen. I need to write, it is a calling and a desire, and it is so easy for me to put it off and never get around to. Daily writing in this journal is the discipline I have followed most of my life. It is the best place for me to start. What should I do with the rhythm of my week, and the process of writing? On Saturday, as I chaired the Board of Ordained Ministry lunch in Columbia, I experienced a great sense of purpose and call. The president of St. Paul School of Theology is a member of this committee, and I asked him to share about what is happening at the seminary, and he told about the changes in transitioning from a residential campus to utilizing one or more local churches for classrooms. This is exactly what I imagined 30 years ago as I pictured seminary education being best connected to the local church. I must support and encourage this process every way that I can. Guide me holy Lord as I walk through this day, thirsting after you and your will in my life.

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