Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012

In Punxsutawney PA the groundhog has seen his shadow. Here in Missouri it will be a beautiful clear day, with the high reaching into the 60s. Even if there are 6 more weeks of winter, it has been such a mild winter that I will gladly embrace whatever weather comes along. I hear birds singing outside (unusual for this time of year) as I sit here by the fire. Jerry and I returned from Columbia last evening, having met for two days as part of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. I will be in the office today, catching up, planning ahead, making phone calls, etc.

Matthew 23

In this powerful chapter, Jesus addresses the legalism and hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees, who have seated themselves in the chair of Moses. In verses 8-12 he instructs his followers not to be called Rabbi, father, or leader, because God is Rabbi, Father, and Leader. He concludes “But the greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” (Verses 11-12). It is interesting to observe how this instruction plays itself out in the church, both among pastors and laity. There is a teaching role, a parenting role, a leadership role to be filled, and the key is to do so with a servant’s heart, and all in the name of and under the authority of Christ.

In verses 13-36 Jesus pronounces woes upon the scribes and Pharisees, concluding with “you serpents, you brood of vipers, how shall you escape the sentence of hell? (Verse 33) He is clear in his condemnation of these religious leaders. It is good for me, as a religious leader to carefully attend to what he says, because it is so easy for any religious leader to fall into the trap of an unhealthy, exalted view of self and a failure to rely completely upon God and the purity of His truth and love.

Guide me today as a pastor in Springfield, to serve you completely, in your name, led by your Spirit to advance your kingdom. I am yours, most holy, righteous omnipotent God.

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