Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

Oh, where do I start? I have been away from journaling and blogging for several days now, as I have been camping in Kentucky with David. We had a good time, even though our plans were constantly shifting. We arrived in the dark on Thursday night, pitching our tents in the headlights of the Explorer. The field had been neatly mowed which was a tremendous blessing. We got up Friday morning and started on the cabin, first by clearing the immense overgrowth of saplings and weeds. I got into some serious poison ivy. Upon getting all the growth cut down, we opened the cabin and discovered there were no inhabitants. (I was expecting wasps, hornet, mammals or maybe even a raccoon.) As we analyzed the condition of the cabin, it became apparent that there is significant structural decay. In addition (or because of) the roof deterioration, the floor is soft in several spots. Two of the concrete piers which support the floor joists are tilting, and some of the floor joists are sagging. In the early afternoon we made the decision to abandon work on rehabbing the cabin, and that we would return the building materials to Murray.

The next two days of camping went very well, as the weather threatened rain and periodic showers fell. David and I had a good time as we shared memories of the various times we have camped on this property which is now called "Baxter Pines".
The drive yesterday to O’Fallon and then to Springfield was long. I arrived home last night after 11 pm. The trailer still needs to be unloaded, the gear cleaned, dried and put away, etc.

Matthew 19

Verse 30 describes the upside nature of the kingdom of God: “But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.” This chapter includes teaching on marriage and divorce, the blessing of children and their example for followers of Christ, and the question from the rich man of what he should do to have eternal life. This chapter is a key building block in the teaching of Jesus. Each of the three parts speaks to me this morning. First, on marriage: tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of my asking Audrey to marry me. Our marriage is such a blessing to me. Second, concerning the Kingdom of God which “belongs to those who are like these children” (Verse 14) I am reminded this morning of being always childlike in my faith and life before God. Finally, the rich man’s question reminds me that no earthly riches are permanent, and it is in following Christ, obeying him day by day with radical obedience that really matters for eternity.

Guide me today, most precious Lord as I work around the house, and walk humbly before you. Help me to remember the poor and to cultivate a childlike faith today.

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