Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012

Tuesday night Audrey and I hosted our life group which is made up of several of the new members who will be joining Wesley on Sunday. I drove late into the night on Tuesday to Excelsior Springs where I co-led a Wednesday morning session at the RIM retreat (Residents in Ministry) for the board of ordained ministry with Mark Dumas. Last night our facilities study committee met and had a good session in which I made a presentation about Granger UMC in Indiana, highlighting their children’s space. Today I will write, prepare, plan and meet. I have four appointments with leaders, and no evening commitments. I hope to get a flu shot on my way to work out later in the afternoon. Mark 12 (Upper Room) This chapter contains parables and teachings of Jesus. The final 4 verses (41-44) contain the account of Jesus taking a seat (in the temple) opposite the treasury, and watching people as they put their money into the treasury. He commented on the widow who put in two small copper coins: “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.” There is a clear stewardship message here, and as I preach on giving on Sunday, I will consider the meaning of this passage. Pastor ministry is complicated. As I read this chapter of scripture, various images flash in my mind of people and situations that are currently involved in the church, and in my imagination I can picture similar situations in faith communities down through history, including in Jesus’ day. Today my role seems like two small copper coins, and I know that what I have to offer, dedicated to God’s glory, will be received by Him and multiplied, just like the small boy’s lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves, and the five small stones of David. Thank you Lord for the promises of scripture and your Spirit speaking to my spirit this morning. Guide my steps as I serve You with all that I am today. Use my obedience to your glory.

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