Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Psalm 10
Before I read this Psalm, I closed my eyes and prayed. I mentioned to God how I have been through a season of not feeling his presence or hearing his voice directly. I then opened the Bible and began at verse one which says: “Why dost Thou stand afar off, O Lord? Why dost Thou hide Thyself in times of trouble?” I immediately had a sense of God’s understanding and watchfulness over me. This was not a coincidence. In my spiritual formation I have experienced seasons like this of pressing forward without any dramatic or visible signs or words from God, and then suddenly a clear indication that God knows exactly where I am, what I am thinking and He is leading me every step of the way, every inclination that I pursue.
I worked long and hard yesterday and it was fulfilling. In the morning at the office I developed sermons for Jan 27 and Feb 3, What the Bible says about friendship and romance. I made 2 hospital calls, led a worship planning meeting, and met with a couple about their February wedding. The day was capped off with dinner here at our house with the Collettes plus two boyfriends, Grayson (Shannon) and Charlie ( Lauren). I went to bed around 10 as the games were still going strong. I feel rested and ready for this day, which includes future oriented planning. Kerner and I will meet for breakfast downtown. This afternoon I will work with Brian on the Spring 2013 material.
Thank you Lord for Psalm 10 this morning. Guide me as I journey by faith into this day, seeking to follow your will, express your love, be your pastor in a dark and broken world. Lead me forward by faith as I serve you with joy.

1 comment:

  1. I can certainly identify with the current station in your faith journey. And as with you God is always present. It is just that God is a lot like Gene, quite most of the time. Your ministry is in my prayers this day.
