Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

7-27-10 Tuesday, 7:18 am Springfield, 73 degrees

Yesterday was well spent. At the end of the day I had supported Audrey in her final full day before leaving for Honduras, made arrangements for a fence to be installed around our yard, exercised at the gym, and worked in the garden and yard. I feel rested, stretched, and ready for this day of ministry and service. I will be at the church office for prayer at 9:00, worship planning at 10:00, and then lunch with one of our young men at 12:30. Mid afternoon I will come home to help in the final packing and loading, and then drive Audrey to Church at 5:30 for the group departure for Kansas City at 6:15.

Rom 10:14 – 11:12

Verses 14-15 are especially pertinent for today “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And How can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? This is why the scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’”

We send 10 messengers to Honduras today. Their feet are beautiful, their hands are beautiful, their suitcases are carrying blessings. These 2 verses also speak to the triangle of knowledge, experience and community, addressing specifically the knowledge required to experience the faith journey. This is a most helpful rubric concerning the Christian life.

Paul continues his treatise with the issue of the rejection by the Jews of the good news of God, and the opportunity the Gentiles have because the Jews have not accepted God’s prevenient grace. I am one of the gentiles who has so benefitted from God’s grace, and now I am privileged to tell people, near and far, about Jesus and His salvation.

Today Lord I am your servant. Guide me feet as I serve you as a shepherd in Springfield, and as a steward of your mercy and grace. I look forward to the ways your love will flow in and through this day.

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