Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 16, 2013

The roofs and lawns are lightly dusted with about a half inch of snow. I do not remember this being predicted, and it is beautiful. David tells me that St. Louis is bracing for a possible winter storm on Wednesday. I had a good 3 mile run yesterday afternoon. It was 39 degrees and I was dressed for it. My throat is funky, and I have had one cup of “Throat Coat” tea instead of my first cup of coffee. I will wage war on whatever is happening in the back of my throat. Bethany sings her live audition at Cincinnati’s conservatory today, and then flies tomorrow to Baltimore where she auditions at Peabody on Tuesday.

Job 31 – This is his final speech. He lists ten things he has never done, as he lays out his case that he does not deserve the tragedies that have befallen him. These are ten areas for every person to predetermine to avoid sin:
1.     Never lust after a young woman. 2. Never lie or deceive anyone. 3. Never be seduced by neighbor's wife. 4. Never be unfair to servants. 5. Never be stingy with the poor – with widows or orphans or the homeless. 6. Never trust, feel secure in or gloat over wealth. 7. Never worship the sun or the moon. 8. Never rejoice when disaster strikes enemies. 9. Never turn away a stranger. 10. Never hide your sins for fear of public opinion.

This list is a great guide and a good example of intentional living by a God-fearing person. The problem Job has created for himself is that he wants to present his cause to God, and wants to argue his case before the Almighty. He sins by exalting himself to the level of God, and in the following chapters God will turn him back to his rightful place.

Today I will visit with two families about baptism, and I will conduct a wedding at five p.m. The rest of the day will be invested in perfecting the message God has given me for tomorrow, and preparing mentally and physically for the four morning worship services. This is the day that You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Thank you Lord for the gift of this day. Use me as your servant, communicating Your grace and your care. 

1 comment:

  1. In casual conversation with my Confirmand and while trying to be a worthy Mentor, the topic of 'The Ten Commandments' has come up several times. How to successfully follow when one knows that a Commandment has been broken. And God knows it. Thankfully God has given us a followup subject to talk about with our Confirmands - God's Grace through Jesus.
    Thank you for bringing to light these rules in Job. I am still working with Andrew (my confirmand) on the Ten Commandments.
    Saying a prayer that your throat mends. You need that tool on Sunday.
