Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29, 2012

I am thankful for this day! Each day is a gift from God, and as I live forward I am thankful for June 29th. The last few days I hit somewhat of a funky wall, with the days seeming very vanilla. Yesterday was different, with many pastoral involvements in unrelated circumstances coming together in fruitful ministry. In addition to the sermon preparation, phone conversations, visits and meetings yesterday I was also able to get my new printer installed and working. Given the headaches I have had with my previous printer since 2007, this $99 new laser printer is a great improvement. Yesterday I also purchased a Bluetooth keyboard to use with my Droid, which I have desired for years. Now when I travel without my laptop I can write (for example in this journal and blog) using a keyboard. I also have installed Documents to Go on both Droid and laptop, to make Word documents available. Next I need to figure out how to manage these documents.

Today is the 5th anniversary of the release of the first I Phone, which has now sold 250 million units. It seems like it has been around longer than 5 years. The makers of Blackberry have now laid off 1/3 of their labor force, and are facing a bleak future, with the I Phone and Androids taking over the market once dominated by Blackberry. Life changes fast and technology is rapidly advancing. What will be next?

James 1 (from today’s Upper Room devotional)

We have a new women’s Bible study meeting on Fridays at church studying the book of James, using Beth Moore videos. I have always enjoyed the book of James, and I look forward to now reading this chapter and listening for God to speak.

The 27 verses of this chapter are spiritual food to be chewed upon and digested slowly. These are familiar verses to me, and so practical and applicable to situations and people with whom I am ministering.

Verses 2, 3: “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” All pastors encounter various trials. For some it is arrest and execution, for others it is difficult people with unreasonable expectations, and every possible circumstance between these two extremes. Pastoring is a weighty spiritual responsibility, made possible by the calling of God sustained by the Holy Spirit and prayer. I desire to increasingly support younger and newer pastors in the various trials they encounter. First and foremost, I apply these two verses to my own life and ministry, remembering that the testing of my faith produces endurance!

Verse 19 instructs us to be “quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” Last night I attended our Stephen Ministries meeting. This is a group of faithful servants who are trained in how to listen with Christian compassion, and how to be slow to speak. I will be mindful today to implement this admonition.

Verse 22 expresses one of the main themes of James: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” This small epistle carries the huge message to implement God’s word and will, and to cease from being religious. It goes on to say that “pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, (is) to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

Guide me today, most holy Lord as I encounter various trials, am quick to hear and slow to speak, and as I prove myself a doer of the word, keeping myself unstained by the world. I live for You today in Springfield.

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