Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Yesterday was a long and fruitful day in which I arrived at the office at 8 am and departed at 8:45 pm. In the morning I prayed over the intercom as 120 servants gathered to lead VBS for Day 2. Our worship planning team met and I shared the outline of my next three-part series "Game Plan for Life." During the midday I travelled with Jim and Janet on our motorcycles to Aurora and Monet, visiting their childhood church. It is a unique Waldensian Presbyterian Church, coming from a movement that preceded Martin Luther by 400 years. I finished up with a wedding consultation and a meeting with the Lay Leadership Committee. We discussed the role and function of the Church Council, especially at Wesley in preparation for nominating individuals to serve.

Revelation 17

The fall and destruction of Babylon is described in this chapter. In verse 6 John says “And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered greatly.” As I read this chapter, having just read the Wikipedia article on the Waldensians, including their brutal persecution by the Catholic Church, I am aware that the imagery of Revelation, aimed to encourage the first century persecuted church has applications throughout history. It also has a final and particular culmination, at the end of the age.

Given the peace and relative tranquility of this age it is hard for me to imagine the horrors of persecution and genocide. But thanks to the film industry, and movies like Hotel Rwanda, graphic images are produced. It seems to me that one key result of reading Revelation is to recognize the uniqueness of this age, and to maximize the fruitfulness of one’s life, realizing that this stage in human history will come to an end. I desire to always guard against complacency and lethargy. Guide me today, most holy Lord in the work to which you have called me, in the place you have planted me, among the people you have appointed me.

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