Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

Today is Pi day! 3.1416… is the mathematical number that is used to calculate the area of a circle (Pi times radius squared). I have heard of classes that are asking students to bring pie to school today, 3/14 to celebrate. It is an interesting concept. I have just reviewed an article on circles which took me back to my 9th grade geometry class. The mathematical concepts associated with circles are not regularly part of my thought process, except for today!

Yesterday a record high was tied here in Springfield with the temperature reaching 82 degrees. I ran three miles in the late afternoon, and it felt like early summer. I accompanied our confirmation class to a radio station and a Christian bookstore last evening and enjoyed the conversation and opportunity to become better acquainted. Today we will have executive staff meeting and executive leadership team meeting. Tonight I will meet with a couple planning their wedding and perhaps visit the Green Room for their 8 pm worship service.

Acts 26 Paul’s defense before Agrippa

Paul recounts his story to Agrippa and Festus. Festus interrupts him and states that his much learning has driven him mad. Agrippa’s response is more accepting, stating to Paul “In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian” (Verse 28). Paul says that his desire is that everyone who hears him may become as he is, except for the chains of imprisonment. Agrippa’s conclusion is that if Paul had not appealed to Caesar he could have been set free.

This chapter reminds me of the opportunities to witness to my faith and experience in Jesus Christ. It will be incredible to some, and it will tug at the hearts of others. Like seeds that are scattered, some will find good soil and bear a hundred fold increase. Guide me today most holy Lord as I serve you with joy and with diligent attention to your calling and your purposes.

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