Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 2012

This is now the warmest March on record in Springfield, surpassing the previous record set in 1910. I have seeds sprouting in the basement including – tomato, squash and okra. I look forward to planting them in the garden after April 15. Our lawn is looking better, greening up with the fertilizer although still sprouting many dandelions (which become a “whack a mole” type game for this homeowner!) I learned yesterday that my 1999 LHS has multiply mechanical problems and has probably arrived at the stage of unreliability. So I am beginning to scour the field for a replacement.

Today I will work at the office, meeting with several individuals and couples over a variety of topics. Audrey will be spending the morning with the choir, orchestra and drama team as they complete the final dress rehearsal for tomorrow’s Easter musical. I am not preaching tomorrow, and I am looking forward to each of the 4 worship services. This coming week is Holy Week, and after taking Monday off, I will be gearing up for the exciting events that Wesley celebrates as we embody the life of Christ and live the resurrection.

I have been thinking lately about the commitments I have made and the processes involved in making and keeping commitments. My daughter Bethany in Los Angeles asked me this week about the commitment I made in my early 20s to not eat breakfast unless I have read a portion of scripture. I found the Bible I was using during that season and copied the inscription I wrote in 1977 concerning this commitment. I might write an essay (blog) in the near future about the various commitments I have made and am currently living out.

Romans 12

This chapter has great practical applications of the Gospel. It starts with the admonition to “present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” (Verse 1). I take this very personally and apply it every day, presenting my body, this 182 pound, 55 year old creature as a living and holy sacrifice to God. The commitments I have made contribute to this sacrificial living – commitments to daily reading of scripture, regular prayer, and including sexuality, alcohol, tithing, exercise, language, etc.

Verses 4-8 describe some of the spiritual gifts which are given for the benefit of the body of Christ, and which are distributed to various people, including prophecy, service, teaching, exhorting, giving money, leadership, and mercy. In the weeks following Easter I will preach a series of messages involving the spiritual gifts. The possible titles of this series include Purposeful Living, Reason to Live, Fully Employed, etc.

Verses 9-21 contain great instructions for all followers of Christ and conclude with the admonition “do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Yes!

Guide me today, most holy Lord as I present my body a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to You which is my spiritual service of worship. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil and the Evil One. May I be fully given to pursing your will on earth, as it is in heaven. Thank you for daily bread. Thank you for this beautiful stretch of weather here in the Ozarks. Lead me Lord; lead me in your righteousness.

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