Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

5-10-10 Monday, 8:10 am Grayrock, 45 degrees, raining.

My mind and spirit are ready for a Sabbath day. It is good for me to designate Monday as Sabbath. Eugene Peterson writes about his use of Sabbath, and I benefit from his reflections. As I write about my use of this means of grace, perhaps others will benefit.

I recognize a familiar feeling that appears in May, an anxiety that seems to have no focus, but elicits a sense of not being prepared, of getting behind, etc. Contributing to this could be the United Methodist Annual Conference which meets the first week of June, and for which I now have little responsibility (but for years I had much pressure). I have organized the Asbury Seminary alumni reunion lunch, and I will host a table for the Friday night of Ann. Conf. But this May feeling appears year after year, and it could be related to the aftermath of Easter, Lent, birthday, Mission Blitz, etc. It could be that there is in fact nothing that is pressing, and I need to adjust and peaceably live in the moment, day to day, week to week.

I Sam 8:1-9:27

Samuel has grown old, his sons do not follow God, the people worry about the future and request a king. God comforts Samuel and instructs him concerning a king. Saul and his servant are on a trip searching for his father’s lost donkeys. They learn of the prophet Samuel and decide to ask him about the donkeys. God has told Samuel that a man will come to him the next day whom he should anoint king. Even though the people have rejected God from being king, and Saul would eventually reject God also, God guides the process of setting up the role of king, which will ultimately be filled by his son, Jesus.

As I get older (like Samuel) I desire to walk with God every day, ready for the unexpected, prepared to be used in ways beyond my abilities and human limitations. I do believe that God still works as He did during Samuel’s day, and uses us to accomplish His will.

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