Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

1-31-11 Monday, 7:15 am Springfield, 39 degrees, cloudy, incoming winter storm.

Due to the state-wide winter storm advisory, the 3-day Ordained Ministry retreat in Columbia has been postponed. This would have been my first one. I now have the next three days without appointments or meetings, in which I can plan ahead, write, and recover from the intensity of the last month. The onset of a major winter storm always gives me a sense of excitement and adventure.

Isaiah 16
This chapter is a response to the previous chapter which is a lament for Moab. There are three parts: Verses 1-5 seems to be a plea to Judah from the Moabites (per Oswald), verses 6-12 reacts to that plea, and verses 13-14 dates theses happenings around 715-714, or in the upcoming three years.

Moab will be helpless even though presently she has abundance. Judah should not rely upon Moab, for one day Moab will come to Judah (and their Messiah). When a person, or a company, or a country is strong, it is hard to imagine a fall and decline. Arthur Anderson was a great accounting firm, and is no more. The Soviet Union (USSR) was mighty, and has disintegrated. In whom do you put your trust? In the Lord, strong and mighty, who will never weaken nor decline! Yes, I rely upon You most Holy Lord, not on nations nor people nor things.

I have been loaned a book entitled The Battle: Defeating the Enemies of Your Soul by Thomas Trask and Wayde Goodall. Julie and Rusty have known Trask, and this book addresses the theme I preached about the last two weeks. I will read the first chapter as I finish this time of devotion and contemplation. Thank you Lord for this day, and the week that stretches ahead.

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