Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 28 - March 2

2-28-10 Sunday, 6:36 Grayrock

We arrived at Wesley around midnight, and it was sooo cold! Only 26, but dressed in a windbreaker and coming from 7 days of tropical temps I froze going around the building to get the car. I am up and at um, and really hoping we will get the video sermon we recorded for today to work. I will shower and dress in a few minutes to leave at 7:15. It feels so good to be home, and I have more energy than I anticipated. My right ear is still plugged from the flight into KC, and my cold is in full bloom. Guide me this morning as I lead this precious congregation called Wesley, baptizing and receiving new members, sending off a study group to Israel, etc.
Mark 9 (Esp verse 49)
“Everyone will be tested with fire” (resembles I Cor 3:12).
Don’t let your salt loose its flavor. (you are the salt of the earth)
These verses remind me of the clear teaching of Jesus, and the need to daily be refreshed, renewed and recharged for the kingdom.

3-1-10 Monday, 8:40 am Grayrock, 29 degrees.

Leviticus 24-25 Moses receives from God the directives including an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. There is the instruction not to take Israelites as slaves, but okay to take other nations as slaves is deemed okay. I can see how colonists in the “new world” would find in this scripture and others as substantiation of the African slave trade. I am also aware of “human trafficking” around the world today, which enslaves probably more individuals than the slave trade of the 1700s.

I cannot see how a Christ-follower could take anyone as a slave, owning another human as property. I regret that any family, tribe or people are so impoverished that selling their daughters and sons seems the only way to survive. We have a missionary who grew up at Wesley, Haley Grayless who will be going for two years to India to document human trafficking, with the goal of combating it. I need to make my faith promise for her support.

3-2-10 Tuesday, 7:18 am Grayrock 26 degrees

Mark 10:32-52 On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus tells his disciples what will happen there – his beating, crucifixion, and resurrection. In awe, James and John ask for the best seats in heaven. Jesus uses this as a teaching moment on leadership, describing the difference of leading by serving instead of lording position over others. Along the way, he heals blind Bartimaeus through his faith, and he then follows Jesus.

There is much to chew on in these 20 verses. Jim Massey leads pilgrims from Wesley to Jerusalem, leaving this morning from our parking lot. Our staff will meet today for prayer, and then the nifty nine for planning. Servant leadership needs to be continually lifted up by me, and each of us in all the ministry areas of this wonderful church.

The One Month To Live emphasis is going strong, entering week 3 of 6. This week we focus on the principle of “Love Completely”. Guide me Holy Lord as I seek to serve those I lead, and to love completely in the way you modeled.

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