Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13, 2010

12-13-10 Monday, 6:35 am Springfield, 6 degrees, wind chill -6.

Yesterday was a great Sunday at Wesley. Even as I was recovering from a stomach virus that jumped me suddenly on Saturday night, the Christmas musical could not have been more powerful with its message of God’s plan for salvation. My sermons at 9:30 and 10:30 about Joseph’s encounters with angels in his dreams were okay, I would give them a 7 on a scale of 1-10. I will download it to my mp3 and listen to it this week, as part of my endeavor to increase the effectiveness of my communication.

Today I will pursue sabbath. Reading a book with that title by Wayne Muller from Bethany’s library, I know I need to rest, recreate, and recharge throughout the year, and especially during this season. As we live in a very busy and tired generation, I must demonstrate God’s plan for a day of rest out of every 7. And, it is so hard to set work aside, especially the work of pastoring and leading the church.

Revelation 4:1-11
In this part of the vision, John sees an open door to heaven, and is transported there in the spirit. He describes the throne, surrounded by the 24 elders, the 7 torches, the 4 living beings who continually said “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty – the one who always was, who is and who is still to come.” (verse 8). The 24 elders lay their crowns before the thrown and say “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” (verse 11)

This glimpse into heaven stirs my heart, and leads me to worship right now. It also reminds me of the language of the great worship hymns and songs down through history, to this current day. There is a beautiful stained glass window above the balcony facing south at Wesley with a crown at the center. Yesterday I was focusing on that crown, remembering the reign of Christ, and also the crown that is prepared for each believer.

You are holy, you are worthy, O Lord and I give you glory, honor as you created all things, including me in your holy plan. I worship you today, and look forward to the day when I will place my crown before your throne.

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