Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012

Utilizing technology, I now have my coffee maker set to automatically start the morning coffee so that it is ready just as my alarm awakens me. All that is required of me is to grind the beans and set up the coffee maker at night, and then to drag myself out of bed when the alarm does go off! This cold snap of weather is refreshing, but as the furnaces are required to run more frequently, I regret that heating costs rise with the drop in temperatures. Forecasters are predicting a swift moderation, with highs tomorrow and Sunday near 50.

Yesterday I recorded video segments for the six Life Group sessions beginning next month. Brian and Matt combined to set up a high tech recording set, including a teleprompter. I look forward to seeing the results. We have obtained copyright permission to use Mike Slaughter’s words, recorded as I read them for our small groups. I am looking forward to the spring of 2013 and producing our own material, with which I can be more creative and more personal. This effort for this spring is a great step forward. My conversation yesterday with Carla and Laura about discipleship was very helpful to me as we discussed personal discipleship, and systems of discipleship training.

Matthew 11

John the Baptist, from his prison cell sends his disciples to inquire about Jesus, whether or not he is “the Expected One”. Jesus tells these disciples to return to John and report that “the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.” (Verse 5) This relates to Luke 4:17-19 when Jesus, visiting the synagogue in Nazareth where he grew up reads from Isaiah 61, and then states “today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

In our upcoming Life Group study, “Change the World”, we will consider how God is calling each of us to follow Jesus in ministry. The weekly topics include welcoming strangers, healing the sick, recruiting additional workers, and going out from our comfort zones to be the hands and feet of Christ. This chapter in Matthew is great preparation for changing the world, and I will use it in upcoming weeks.

Guide me today, precious Lord, as I serve You as an under shepherd with Your flock, searching also for the lost sheep, the spiritually asleep. I take up your yoke and learn from You. Bless the Honduras team on this their last full day of work in the village of Diez de Septiembre. Use the faith community called Wesley in Springfield to advance Your kingdom on earth.

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