Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010

11-7-10 Adoption Sunday, 5:35 am (standard time begins today!) Springfield, 40 degrees, clear.

Audrey’s phone rang at 5:00, with nobody on the other end. She is trying to get another hour of sleep. I have a cold that has settled in my throat, and the hot coffee feels good as it loosens me up for the day.

Romans 8
Verse 15: “For you have not received a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption” I desire to communicate this truth today, that as we celebrate what God has done, we live out of this spirit of adoption, not earning our way, not proving our worth. Wesley describes three states of the soul: asleep – carnal, not trying to live right or please God; legalistic – aware of God’s rules, God’s will, and trying by good works to gain God’s favor lest his judgement be applied; adopted – living in the free gift of his grace, pleasing him out of response and desire.

Lord, as my body struggles with the onset of this cold, empower me to do your will, to preach your word, to serve the church this morning in the power of your Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. And I thought this morning as I listened to your sermon that you were perfecting your "radio voice". Wishing that you can kick that cold and be feeling better. God Bless
